About me: I am a computer desktop support tech. I have been into computers since the Commodore VIC-20 days and I am 100% self-taught. I am an INTJ http://bitbin.it/Z9l4S9kp/ and definitely like to work by myself if I can. As a matter of fact, I could move to the side of a mountain and live by myself for weeks on end without any problem. I am an introvert for sure. However, this doesn't mean i don't like to interact or share my thoughts with the world, hence some of m work here on BitBin. I love computers and the internet, and to counter balance, I love to garden, specifically grow food plants for my own consumption, and sometimes to share with others. In the winter I usually peruse seed catalogs http://bitbin.it/tt7kOKSS/ while planning my garden. http://www.gardeners.com is another resource I use along with Amazon and my local big box stores.