You know, lot of CPM networks not accepts autosurf (fake) traffic anymore. But i can still find working ones :) Here is the method: For this method, you need some things: * A Hitleap Regular / Premium Account or / Jingling / BestPTP (for traffic) * A Website (or more, more is better) with your own or on a very good hosting. * A Blogger Page Is Also A Solution ( Yeah, you don't need to use your own hosting ) * And the CPM company for ads. Which is AdvantageGlobalMarketing & & CPMFix & Also Adhexa just register these 3 autosurf programs adhexa Then make simple blog write somthing * Then add CPMFix Banner ad to the top gadged. You can also add one more to another gadget. * Add one 320x250 Tag from Adhexa (most profitable) * And finally add 1 ad tag from to any gadget. OK, now your site is ready for traffic! Set your Hitleap like that for best results: * 20 second. * If you are using Hitleap Premium, change referrals as desired. (NEVER USE BLANK)