BITCOIN MINING! MINE BITCOINS AND EARN 100-200$ A DAY! USING A SIMPLE METHOD IN ONLY 2 STEPS !! START EARNING TODAY! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bitcoin is a new digital currency. By using proven strong cryptography, a new currency has been created for the internet. One of the key features of Bitcoin is that it is an open system with no person or authority that governs the system. This means that you can treat it like cash: nobody can freeze your account, no chargeback's, complete transparency and more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USING A SIMPLE METHOD YOU CAN SPEED UP YOUR EARNINGS AND START EARNING $$$ EVERY DAY! TUTORIAL: 1. Getting Started. - At First we need to join a pool. Joining a Pool will help us mining BitCoins as Fast as Possible! - Go To and Register on the Website. - After you have created your account click on "Workers" at the top. - Now we create a new Worker. Make the "Worker name" simple and small, as well as the password. - Once created we will have a new Worker in the list at the Bottom. 2. Download a Miner. - Now we need to download and set-up a Miner. - Go To which downloads the BitCoin Miner. - Extract it where you can find it easily and start it. - Now click on "File>New Miner>New OpenCL Miner" - Change the Server to "TripleMining" which you registered to in Step 1. - Fill "Username" and "Password" with the Information you entered at the "Workers" Section on TripleMining. - Checking the little boxes next to "CPU Affinity" will choose which or how many Cores of your CPU you are using. If you have Connection Problems be sure that your Information you entered is correct. ! HAPPY BITCOIN MINING!