Wilderness survival techniques and tips


DATE: Feb. 28, 2013, 9:52 a.m.

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HITS: 1387

  1. Wilderness survival techniques and tips
  2. Generalized awareness of the skills needed to survive in a
  3. wilderness situation.
  4. Whether you are simply going camping at a commercial campground, taking a
  5. short hike, or backpacking into a pristine wilderness area... be prepared. Never
  6. leave to chance those few articles that may become lifesavers. Above all,
  7. always let someone know your itinerary and the time you plan to return.
  8. The following is a list of items that should be included in a basic survival kit:
  9. 1.Waterproof matches (stick matches in a 35mm film container) or a disposable
  10. lighter.
  11. 2.Fire starter
  12. 3.Rigid blade knife (Preferably serrated on one side of the blade) w/ sheath
  13. 4.Folding saw
  14. 5.Compass
  15. 6.Map of the area you are in
  16. 7.Signal mirror
  17. 8.Flashlight
  18. 9.Plastic tarp
  19. 10.50 to 100 feet of nylon cord (1/8 inch is adequate)
  20. 11.First aid kit
  21. 12.Coins for pay phones (here again a 35mm film container works well)
  22. 13.Full canteen
  23. 14.Emergency food rations
  24. 15.Water purification tablets/filter.
  25. 16.Fish hooks and fishing line
  26. 17.Police whistle
  27. 18.Toilet paper
  28. Fire: When starting a fire find dry wood. Use the inner bark of trees, or look for
  29. the dead branches at the very bottom of fir trees. These are dead because they
  30. were denied sunlight by the branches above them. These same branches have
  31. probably protected them from getting wet. Start your fire small and gradually
  32. increase its size. Tinder will greatly enhance your chance for success. Take
  33. small branches and shred then with a knife or your fingers. You can use dead
  34. grass, bird’s nests, wasp nests (unoccupied of course), inner bark from dead
  35. trees, or a strip of cloth from the tail of your shirt. Use anything that will ignite
  36. quickly. Place this in the center. Around this, build a teepee of small dry twigs.
  37. Once this is burning, slowly feed your fire with larger and larger pieces of
  38. wood. Always making sure the fire is burning freely before you progress to a
  39. larger piece of wood. Once this fire is burning do not let it go out.
  40. Shelter: Do not make the mistake of trying to construct a large shelter. Make it
  41. just large enough to accommodate you. This is important, especially in cold
  42. climates, because you are going to have to heat it. Use the materials at hand.
  43. Dig out a pit and line it with something to insulate you from the ground. Your
  44. body heat can be lost very quickly lying on the bare ground. Use leaves, grass,
  45. or pine bows for this insulation. Create a frame with 2 “V” shaped sticks and a
  46. cross support. Cover this frame with materials at hand. Overlap them or place
  47. them in layers to make your shelter resistant to water and wind.
  48. Water: In most areas, water is readily available. However, treat all water as if
  49. it were contaminated. Boil all water before you use it. Most organisms cannot
  50. stand up to a 10 or 12 minute boiling. Look for hills as water might be at their
  51. base. Animal trails will eventually lead you to water. Look for birds, as they will
  52. often circle a watering hole. Their flight patterns usually include a water source.
  53. Also watch the animals that you come across, they will scratch at the surface of
  54. the ground if water is just below the surface. Watch the insects. They will
  55. congregate on ground that is moist. If you are lucky enough to have a piece of
  56. plastic you can create a solar still. Another trick is to dig holes in the ground
  57. and catch rainwater in them. Even a dry creek might still have water running
  58. underground.
  59. Food: Starving to death is not an immediate problem. Most of us can endure 2
  60. to 3 weeks of not eating and still survive. However, food is an important means
  61. of preserving our mental and emotional state, as well as a source of energy. If
  62. you find yourself stranded near a river or stream, fish can be a food source you
  63. would exploit. Fish can be caught with a line and hook, speared, or trapped.
  64. Watch eagles and hawks. Sometimes you will be able to scare them away from
  65. their catches. If you find a beaver dam find the weakest spot and pry it open.
  66. Stand by this small waterfall with a club and wait for fish or muskrats to come
  67. through. The beaver that built the dam is sure to come out to repair the
  68. damage. They can be eaten also. There are also many edible plants. Some are
  69. poisonous so be sure to learn how to find and prepare them before you need
  70. this skill. A good rule of thumb is to stay away from mushrooms and any plant
  71. that has a milky sap. Cattail roots, acorns, and the bark from trees are all
  72. edible. Lastly look for areas where ducks, geese, and other fowl are nesting.
  73. When they are roosting, you might be lucky enough to bring one or two down
  74. by throwing your club into their midst. If not the eggs they leave behind are
  75. edible.
  76. Signal for help:
  77. The most noticeable signal is your fire. It is easily seen at night. Be sure to
  78. build your fire where it can be seen. Build it in a clearing, hilltop, or on a
  79. lakeshore. During the daytime the smoke from your fire can be seen for many
  80. miles and in most wilderness areas there are firewatchers and rangers that
  81. investigate smoke sightings. Three fires arranged in a triangle, 100 feet apart
  82. is a distress signal to aircraft. Also when using hand/arm motions to signal
  83. aircraft hold both your arms above your head. This is the sign for help. One
  84. arm upraised indicates “ No Assistance Required”. Signal mirrors, lids from a
  85. can, broken glass with one side coated with mud, a brightly colored jacket or
  86. shirt tied to a long stick can all be used to attract attention.

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