Lide Framework ============== Lide Framework is a library that allows you to create multiplatform graphical interfaces from Lua language. Lide uses wxWidgets to build controls and windows, this ensures the integration of your applications with GTK+ on Linux and really native controls in Windows. .. image:: :target: Installation ============ * Make sure you have the lua5.1 interpreter and dependencies installed on your machine. ============ ====================================================================================== Platform Installation ============ ====================================================================================== Windows Download `LuaForWindows_v5.1.4-33.exe `_. Ubuntu ``$ sudo apt-get install lua5.1 libwxgtk2.8`` Archlinux ``# pacman -S lua5.1 wxgtk2.8`` ============ ====================================================================================== Windows Installation ******************** .. code-block:: bash $ mkdir lide_app $ cd lide_app $ git clone lide Luarocks Installation ********************* If you have luarocks installed in your machine: .. code-block:: bash $ luarocks install --local GNU/Linux Installation ********************** .. code-block:: bash $ mkdir lide_app $ cd lide_app $ git clone lide $ sudo cp ./lide/bin/x86/ /usr/lib/ $ sudo cp ./lide/bin/x86/ /usr/lib/lua/5.1/ How to use it ============= * Create a file ``main.lua`` into the folder lide_app. .. code-block:: bash $ nano main.lua .. code-block:: lua local Form = lide.classes.widgets.form local Button = lide.classes.widgets.button local MessageBox = lide.core.base.messagebox form1 = Form:new { Name = 'form1', Title = 'Window Caption' }; button1 = Button:new { Name = 'button1', Parent = form1, PosX = 10, PosY = 30, Text = 'Click me!', }; button1.onClick : setHandler ( function ( ... ) MessageBox 'Hello world!' end ); form1:show(true) With the above code we are creating a new form and putting a button inside it at position (10, 30), clicking inside the button a message "Hello World" is displayed. * Run the file ``main.lua`` with the following command: .. code-block:: bash $ lua5.1 -l lide.init main.lua This is all you need to start building applications, **should be noted that these instructions work** similarly to Windows or GNU/Linux. Help & Documentation ==================== If you want to know more please read our official framework's documentation: `- Lide Framework readthedocs `_ Credits and Authors =================== Lide was founded in 2014 by Hernán D. Cano (`@dariocanoh `_) and Jesús H. Cano (`@jhernancanom `_ ) for private purposes, today is accessible to the public. Lide is currently active and developing, today is maintained by (`@dariocanoh `_)