GLBSE Asset Review Board


DATE: Oct. 15, 2012, 1:22 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.5 kB

HITS: 1501

  1. The basic intent for this group is to form a panel of community members to
  2. provide advice and recommendations for action to Nefario (the GLBSE). This
  3. isn't really a voting board, we don't wield supreme executive power over
  4. anything. At the same time, I think that 99% of the time the advice of the
  5. panel would be implemented. In many ways this is an experiment so let's all
  6. do our best to be fair and open and to make the GLBSE a better place. Thank
  7. you.
  8. The rules are common sense rules. This is not a social environment for
  9. joking around, please stick to the discussion topics at hand. It is a
  10. moderated board, so it will feel a little different from the forums at
  11. for example.
  12. Members will be arbitrarily rotated on and off the board by the list owner
  13. (usagi) at his sole discretion. The idea is to keep things fair. I
  14. encourage suggestions for people who anyone feels should be on this list
  15. and I think you will agree I am (will be) fair about this based on who is
  16. and is not on the list as time goes by.
  17. That's about it, and oh, if you feel any suggestions or changes should be
  18. made, please enter your suggestions as a reply here.
  19. --
  20. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GLBSE asset board" group.
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