= time()-ceil($floodwait*60)) { $blockflood = TRUE; } else { $blockflood = FALSE; } // DELETION IS SUCCESS OR NOT if ($action == "deleteshout"){ if ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] == getIP($id)) { deleteShout($id); $message = _PROCESS_DELETED; } else { $error = _PROCESS_DELETEFAILED; } } ?> G-Shout \n"); }else{ echo("\n"); } ?> "/> */ ?> 0)) { $error = _PLEASE_WAIT; } else if($formsubmitted) { $gname = strip_tags($gname); // if ok, then write the shout to datafile writeTag($gname, $gsex, $guri, $gcomment); } else {} // to show success/error message if(isset($message)){ echo "
"; echo $message; echo "

"; } else if(isset($error)) { echo "

"; } else {} // this function used to show ShoutBox viewShoutBox(); include ("./languages/lang-$language.php"); if($help == TRUE){ //echo("BACK

\n\n"); echo(""._CLOSE_WINDOW."

\n\n"); echo ("
"); showHelp(); echo ("
"); //echo("BACK

\n\n"); echo(""._CLOSE_WINDOW."

\n\n"); } else { /******************* BEGIN OF PAGINATION *******************/ echo "
"; $shoutcount = countShouts(); if (!isset($page)||$page==0) { //$page=floor($shoutcount/20)+1; $page=1; } $entry = ($commentshown * $page)-$commentshown; $selesai = $commentshown*$page; $output = getShouts($start,20,1); if ($page != 1) { echo "[ << ] [ < ] "; } else { echo "[ << ] [ < ] "; } for ($count=0;$count<$shoutcount;$count=$count+$commentshown) { $newpage = floor($count/$commentshown) + 1; if ($page == $newpage) { echo $newpage." "; } else { echo "".$newpage." "; } } if ($page != floor($shoutcount/$commentshown)+1) { echo "[ > ] [ >> ]"; } else { echo "[ > ] [ >> ]"; } echo "
"; // end of pagination } ?>