About I decided to resume something I used to do on the previous version of BitBin, before you had to register for monetizing the pastes. Back then I would review and link-to interesting pastes if I thought of them worthy of my (and your) time - pastes that have good and useful information contained in them, whether they would be instructions or good quotes, code, etc. Back then I had the reviews in order of me finding them. I think I will switch the format up a little. Instead of having all the reviews in one single paste, I will be doing a review session when I have time to do so, but I will organize the pastes by day - month - year, based on their posting date. I will also paste my session log, like this one, on the day I review the links, so you know which pastes have been updated, and I will have a master paste list that will serve as an index to my work (see http://bitbin.it/S4WFaJLS/ for suture reference). Session Notes 20170927.1906 (1406 local) OMG, so I haven't had time to post a session log for over 9 months now!!! WOW!!! I have to say, my life has become crazy busy for a 50 year old IT dude. So, today I looked over some of my marketing materials for SFI and TripleClicks and I decided, BitBin would be a good place to put some of the materials, but in order to comply with the "What am I not allowed to post?" restrictions on BitBin (see https://bitbin.it/faq/), for the referral links, I will be using a different paste bin, but I will still link to those pastes on the other paste bin from here. 20170927.1918 (1418 local) I worked on the July 1st paste from last year and just competed the following: 20170927.1845 I added a link I overlooked last year, and updated all the links to the https standard. 20170927.1850 added this REV LOG 20170927.1915 corrected time stamps in this REV LOG 20170927.2152 (1652 local) I spent some time also updating the following with additional links and REV LOGs: 20170927.2025 https://bitbin.it/BX4LXrqk/ 20170927.2123 https://bitbin.it/SSSOf5C2/ 20170927.2149 https://bitbin.it/uoFjBQgG/ 20170927.2156 (1656 local) So, now it is almost time to go home. I don't know how many of the updates and revisions I can do each week, but I want to resume more of these reports.