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One of them might be the one you've been looking for. We do not sin money. International - Black Dating BlackCupid is part of the well-established Cupid Media network that operates over 30 reputable niche dating sites. Make your romance story like many couples that they already live happy together. While the motto may be inspirational and makes you ring to do great things, sometimes the stereotypes of it is people is less than flattering. Dating and meeting up will not be problems for you anymore. We kindly support you in any problem of the site and we love to hear your feedback. Welcome to gusto your love journey and have fun dating online with us. Cupid Online Dating - Dating and meeting up will not be problems for you anymore. If you are a guy from western countries, such as US, Australia, Canada, UK or other European countries, you may find your dating experience at Vietnam Cupid totally different from those at the dating sites in your home country. You may be surprised at how popular you become, the response rate of your messages, and how many women will contact you first. Here are our tips to use the site more effectively and more efficiently. Create a profile at Vietnam Cupid as complete as possible. This not only lets your potential dates know you better, but also makes you look more trustworthy. You should be in clean dress and shaven in the pictures, and you may want to smile a little bit in at least one of them. If you are currently in Vietnam or plan to visit the country in a short period, you may want to indicate it on your profile. This may greatly increase the interest. You may want to upgrade to a premium membership. On one hand, this removes the restrictions of free membership, and you can access a far larger member base. On the other hand, it also builds a level of trust, so you may stand out from free members. If you follow the above tips, you should have already received a good number of messages. But to maximize your chances to meet ideal women, you may also want to actively search female members, and take initiatives to contact them. Some Vietnamese women may be too shy to initiate the first contact, but there is no reason for you to miss them, if you think they are attractive. Just a reminder: you should use caution on Vietnam Cupid, like when you are on any other dating site. Never send money to anybody you meet on a dating site, before you have met her in person. If you are not in Vietnam and plan to visit the country, many guys will stick to a large city, such as Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City. You may want to visit the site from time to time. The right woman may be waiting for you just at your next visit to the site. First, the site is very experienced and successful on matching Asian women with men from western countries. Second, the women to men ratio on the site is about 3 to 1, so men are more likely to receive enthusiastic replies. When we visited the site, it's quite obvious the focus of the site is to match members for long term relationships and potential marriages. Furthermore, the site displays a video of wedding ceremony of a couple who met on Blossoms, at the center of the home page. Therefore, if you just look for casual dates, you may skip the site. But if you look for true love with an attractive Vietnamese woman, you may take a close look at Blossoms. Popularity: Started in 2004, International Cupid connect singles around the world. Part 2: 3 Other Popular Vietnam Dating Sites Popularity: Match. Now the site seems to have entered the Vietnamese dating market. Popularity: The Vietnamese dating site has attracted ladies from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh. Popularity: The dating site has attracted a small number of Vietnamese singles. Part 3: 4 Popular 100% Free Vietnamese Dating Sites Popularity: The free dating site is very popular in Vietnam. You will find a good number of Vietnamese singles. Popularity: Following the link above, you should be able to find a good number of Vietnamese singles on the free dating site. Popularity: The free dating site has attracted a small number of Vietnamese singles.