

DATE: May 19, 2016, 7:56 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 604 Bytes

HITS: 866

  1. Then they attacked public treasury and while ransacking it killed twenty persons on the spot,
  2. and beheaded fifty more after arresting them. Then they attacked the grain store, whereupon
  3. an elderly noble of Basrah Hukaym ibn Jabalah could not control himself and reaching there
  4. with his men said to `Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr, "Spare some of this grain for the city's populace.
  5. After all there should be a limit to oppression. You have spread killing and destruction all round
  6. and put `Uthman ibn Hunayf in confinement. For Allah's sake keep off these ruining activities
  7. and release `Uthman ibn Hunayf.

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