What is proof-of-stake?


DATE: Feb. 2, 2021, 6:59 p.m.

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HITS: 7430

  1. Proof-of-stake, or PoS, is a consensus mechanism used by some blockchains.
  2. PoS gives users with a network token stake the right to earn rewards for validating blocks. This system is in contrast to the proof-of-work, or PoW, the consensus model used by Bitcoin (BTC). The PoW grants block confirmation rights to those who demonstrate the greatest amount of computational power.
  3. Once a validator agrees to stake his tokens, his stake is blocked. In many cases, it will be completely or partially confiscated if the validator does not act in the interests of the network - intentionally or not.
  4. In principle, anyone can stake tokens; but in reality, a protocol will be used to determine which participants are selected to validate blocks and earn staking rewards. The right to validate a block and receive rewards is generally awarded based on the proportional stake value. Therefore, the user who stakes 1% of the total total value will be able to validate 1% of all blocks. However, the length of time since the stake was locked could be an additional factor in the validator selection protocol.

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