The Belgian from Chelsea was on international duty when answered questions over his future. Hazard has been linked with a move to Real Madrid, and he refused to rule out the transfer rumors, having watched the Spanish giant win the European Cup for successive years on Saturday.“If you look at the last two season, it looks easy for them,” he said, as quoted by the Het Laatste Nieuws newspaper. “The Champions League is a particularly difficult competition to win. Real Madrid were stronger than anyone in the last two to three seasons. But that doesn’t mean it’ll be the same in the next five years. The Champions League is a goal for me for next season. I’ve never won it and I’m always trying to improve.” Asked whether he would consider an offer from Real Madrid, Hazard said: “Of course I’ll listen. We all have dreams. It could be Spain, it could be staying with Chelsea. I’m good where I am now. I think I can stay at Chelsea for many years. But it’s not something I’m thinking about right now. We’ll see.”