Apple id barn => Artiklen er ajourført i september 2017. Thanks Old Toad, but I try to remove the alias online from iCloud - from the screen dump you send show. After a stint as a newspaper reporter, she became web editor at iPhone Life, where she continues to pair her penchant for storytelling with her love of Apple products. I had the same problem. Once the child turns 13, simply reset the birthday so it says age 13 again and then you are all set. Maybe I got it all wrong? There's stunning countryside all around and lots of pretty villages to explore; however, it is the coast that dominates. Artiklen er ajourført i september 2017. I left my kids' birthdays with the correct day and month but used 2001. As far as I know, you cannot remove an icloud. Vi samlar inte medvetet in, använder eller lämnar ut personlig information om ditt barn utan ditt verifierade tillstånd. I can add new alias and remove them as well. Apple Barn Online Store - Dette for at gøre det nemt og bekvemt at betale for indhold og tjenester. Thanks Old Toad, but I try to remove the alias online from iCloud - from the screen dump you send show. I can add new alias and remove them as well. Maybe I got it all wrong. It is here things start to go wrong. My name is displayed correct, but below is the old email address which cannot be removed. I can add new alias and delete them again, but I cannot delete the old email address. Thanks randers4 for your suggestion, but I already spoke to Apple Support, plus my authorized Apple dealer in Sweden. apple id barn But when I asked what will happened with all updates, subscriptions, apps, programs, music, movies, etc. I turn to this forum to see if someone else can help me. I am having the same problem. I send messages in iMessage and my contacts are seeing for my name and not my phone number. I don't even use that email account and most people don't know who it is cause it does not have my name in the email. The only way for me to get rid of it seem to be disabling iMessage. See if they can explain what's going on and remove it for you. As far as I know, you cannot remove an icloud. Besides, if Apple said apple id barn couldn't do it, I doubt anyone can. You could always call Apple back and try to escalate it to a senior advisor. Otherwise I'm not sure what to suggest. Once again, thanks for your response!.