Marriage is not easy because of the trials and tribulations and the work and patience involved. I want to tell my story to encourage couples out there passing through trying times that with God Almighty, all will definitely be well. My 8th anniversary is coming soon and after gisting with a friend who's also a bv some days ago, God's wonders in my home dawned on me again. I have 3 children and I've passed through difficult times. Periods of homelessness and squatting with others (my husband and I and our 3 children). Periods of having nothing to eat, my husband's business being at a standstill we had to sell "everything" we owned. But one thing we always had was love and the ability to laugh and dream despite the lack. I even do giveaways sometimes because no where to put the things and nobody to buy it so na to give out. There were times the food we have will not be enough for all of us and after our children eat, my husband will form he's not hungry so I won't feel guilty eating the little left. I'll form I'm not hungry too and we will end up sharing and be half full. There were times my son won't be able to eat the mixture that I cook because he doesn't understand it. Lol There were times I go into the toilet and I cry my heart out because this wasn't how we planned our family to be. There were whole terms my children didn't go to school because we couldn't pay fees, buy snacks, and couldn't afford anything. I always consoled myself with the song by mary mary : "i just can't give up now, I've come too far from where I started from, nobody told me the road wont be easy but I don't believe He's (God) brought me this far to leave me" I was recently able to start a small business and for me and my family, its a big deal.It was difficult getting start up capital which was not much after years of looking for loans and where else to get money from but God made it possible. And I know things will only get better henceforth. Before I leave for my shop in the mornings, my daughter usually prays with me so that I'll make sales and God has been good. I'm not nearly where I want to be but this is a very small first step for me and my family to encourage everyone passing through trying times in their homes/marriages that God always makes a way. I couldn't have been able to hold up if not for God and the amazing man my husband is. He's been my greatest support and I could only bear the suffering we went through because of the love we have for each other.