In a recently held audio launch of Urudhi Kol, actor Mansoor Ali Khan went all guns blazing at Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan. The reason being the latest TV reality show, Big Boss, which the legendary actor is hosting. Mansoor Ali Khan expressed dissatisfaction during the audio launch event stating that the new TV reality show is not in good taste in line with the society and that the same is ruining the business of cinema. He even stated that Kamal Haasan's role in the reality show is disheartening as the legendary actor is playing a role in killing Tamil cinema. The actor expressed that family audience who generally pour into theatres for evening and night shows are refraining themselves due to Big Boss. The repeat telecast of the TV reality show happens the next day morning and that is said to be impacting morning shows as well. Mansoor Ali Khan, as well asked Kamal to empathize film-makers whose movies are now running in theatres. He also wanted Kamal Haasan to feel the heat of the same scenario i.e., a reality show like Big Boss hosted by the likes of Vijay or Ajith telecasted during the time of Kamal Haasn's movie release! With GST and municipal tax already denting Tamil cinema, will the reality show too pose as a hindrance to the business of Kollywood?