Popular Diet: Egg Diet Maggi Egg diet, or as it is called yet, the Maggi diet allows you to lose in 4 weeks from 10 to 15 kg. The diet with this diet is not based on the calorie content of the products, but on the chemical reactions that take place in our body. The diet should be strictly observed, otherwise, this diet will not bring any benefit. If suddenly you decide to exclude from your diet any product recommended in the diet, never put another in its place. Still, it is necessary to remember some basic rules which will help you in observance of this diet: - You can drink water in any quantity, even fizzy drinks (dietary); - You can drink tea and coffee, but without sugar and milk, the sweetener is allowed; - vegetables cook in water, but broths are prohibited. The use of seasonings and spices, onions and garlic without restrictions is permitted; - oil and any fats, do not eat in any dish; - If you feel hunger, you can eat a cucumber, carrot or salad, but with the observance of the time regime (about 2 hours) after the last meal; - diet regimen strictly, in any case not to change places dinner and lunch and vice versa; - weigh 1 time a day in the morning, after you go to the toilet; - sports are welcome; - if an error has been made, or diet has been violated, the diet can not continue, it will be necessary to return to the very first day; - If there is a desire to repeat the diet again, it is best to start with 1 week, and then continue with the 4th; - The diet is suitable for all ages, vitamins take during the diet is optional; - if the diet does not indicate the amount of a product, then this product can be eaten without any restrictions. First Week Daily breakfast: 1/2 oranges or grapefruit and 1-2 boiled eggs Monday • Lunch: any one kind of fruit and in any quantity (oranges, apples, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, etc.) • Dinner: fried or boiled meat (slices or minced meat without fat), except lamb. Tuesday • Lunch: boiled or fried chicken without skin. • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, salad (cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, carrots), 1 toast or 1/4 cake, 1 orange or grapefruit Wednesday • Lunch: any cheese (fat-free) in any quantity, 1 toast, tomatoes • Dinner: fried or boiled meat (slices or minced meat without fat), except lamb Thursday • Lunch: any one kind of fruit and in any quantity (oranges, apples, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, etc.) • Dinner: fried or boiled meat (slices or minced meat without fat), except lamb, salad Friday • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, boiled vegetables (zucchini or beans or carrots or green peas) • Dinner: boiled or fried fish, salad, 1 orange or grapefruit Saturday • Lunch: any one kind of fruit and in any quantity (oranges, apples, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, etc.) • Dinner: fried or boiled meat (slices or minced meat without fat), except lamb, salad Sunday • Lunch: boiled or fried chicken without skin, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit • Dinner: boiled vegetables The Second Week Daily breakfast: 1/2 orange or grapefruit and 1-2 boiled eggs Monday • Lunch: fried or boiled meat, salad • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, salad, 1 orange or grapefruit Tuesday • Lunch: fried or boiled meat, salad • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 1 orange or grapefruit Wednesday • Lunch: fried or boiled meat, cucumbers • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 1 orange or grapefruit Thursday • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, any white cheese (fat-free) in any quantity, boiled vegetables • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs Friday • Lunch: fish boiled or fried • Dinner: 2 eggs Saturday • Lunch: fried or boiled meat, tomatoes, 1 orange or grapefruit • Dinner: a mixture of fresh fruits (orange, mandarin, melon, peach, apple) Sunday • Lunch: boiled or fried chicken without skin, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit • Dinner: boiled or fried chicken without skin, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit The Third Week Monday: throughout the day, any fruit in any quantity, at any time, in combination with any other fruit except grapes, mangoes, dates, bananas, figs. Tuesday: throughout the day, any cooked vegetables and any salads, except for combination with potatoes and dry cereals. Wednesday: throughout the day, any fruits listed above, any cooked vegetables, salads in any quantity, at any time. Thursday: fish boiled or fried in any quantity, salad (cabbage or salad only) in any quantity, boiled vegetables. Friday: meat boiled or fried lean, except mutton, or chicken, boiled vegetables, cooked vegetables. Saturday and Sunday: throughout the day, one type of fruit in any quantity, at any time (only apples or only pears, or only peaches, or apricots only). Fourth Week Mentioned products are distributed for a whole day without a certain time, however, without additions. Monday • 4 slices of fried or boiled meat or 1/4 of boiled chicken • 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers • 1 can of tuna without oil (or washed with water) • 1 toast • 1 orange or grapefruit Tuesday • 2 slices of fried or boiled meat (maximum 200 grams) • 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers • 1 toast • Apple or pear, or 1 slice of melon, or orange, or grapefruit Wednesday • 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese, or any white cheese (low-fat) • A small plate of boiled vegetables • 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers • 1 toast • 1 orange or grapefruit Thursday • 1/2 boiled or fried chicken • 3 tomatoes, cucumber • 1 toast • 1 orange or grapefruit • One kind of listed fruit Friday • 2 boiled eggs • 1 salad, 3 tomatoes • 1 orange or grapefruit Saturday • 2 breast cooked chicken • 1/8 kg of cottage cheese or cheese • 1 toast • 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, yogurt • 1 orange or grapefruit Sunday • 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese • Tuna jar without oil • A small plate of boiled vegetables • 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers • 1 toast • 1 orange or grapefruit And in conclusion: - Eggs are a must! - fruits that are allowed - oranges, apples, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, pineapples, peaches, kiwi, pomelo, mandarins, grapefruits, plums ... - fruits that are forbidden - grapes, mango, dates, banana, figs; - "VARIOUS VEGETABLES" ... these are zucchini OR zucchini, OR eggplants, OR patissons, OR beans (dry boiled beans), OR string beans (better than the pod, it is low in calories), OR carrots, or green peas (frozen - boiled). Only one thing! - "ANY VARIOUS VEGETABLES" ... all vegetables except potatoes. - "DEFENSE CHEESE" is a cheese with the lowest percentage of fat content, but not more than 16-17%. You can eat instead of cheese, but also fat-free. You need to start the diet from the menu on Monday, regardless of the day of the week from which you begin to lose weight. Contraindications: before using the diet, consultation of a specialist or a nutritionist is necessary.