Wow demon hunter races => There's also the whole balance issue. It's me racial, and dere's nu'ting I can do about it! They would have to wait until at least the following expansion or later for other races to learn the skills from the newly awakened ones. I want to play a Worgen demon hunter, or a Tauren, Troll or Orc one, not some done up Elf with horns. Not necessary for continuing 15 Level 103 16 17 18 19 20 Mission 30 minutes 21 Der Schwarze Tempel 22 1 2 Follower: 3 Follower: 23 , , 0 24 Mission 2 hours , leads to , also available 25 Greater troops 26 5 Missions à 8 hours 27 1 Level 110, first artifact research work order 2 Not necessary for continuing 3 Not necessary for continuing 4 Various 0 28 29 1 2 3 4 30 31 Dungeon 32 33 1 , , 0 2 Follower: 3 Follower: 34 1 5 missions à 4 - 8 hours 2 20 world quests 35 1 Various Dungeons 3 at least 2 36 Not Daemon hunter specific, but required to continue. I am still hesitant to go full on Night Elf still. I played blood elf all day yesterday and rely enjoyed it. Successfully removing an effect also generates 20 Fury. There are already plenty of other fel infused races and it would be simple enough to add one of them. I want to play a Worgen demon hunter, or a Tauren, Troll or Orc one, not some done up Elf with horns. Legion is all about class fantasy, and some classes struggle to have three unique specs. When we do we get Tauren Demon Hunters??? Some players comment on Demon Hunters starting at level 98, but we have to remember Blizzard increased the level cap to 110 and the lore should be the driving factor of that and how long the average player, not the uber player's, play. If the target is slain while active, you deal an additional 20% damage against creature types that match the original target e. Demon Hunter - I had a tough decision with this as well, all I can do is wish you luck. Well I narrowed it down to male Night Elf and male Blood Elf. Now here's the kicker, I can not for the life of me decide which to go with and it is driving me wow demon hunter races. The thing is, I love the color purple. Seeing that Night Elf Demon Hunters can go full on purple made me excited. However part of me wants to go Blood Elf so I can have 6 Alliance and 6 Horde characters. I also like how the Blood Elf Demon Hunters look. What I dislike about Blood Elves are their skin color options. I don't care for red and none of the skin options really makes them look good to me. Sure female Blood Elves get somewhat purple options but toothpick weapons kills that for me. This is what is keeping me from choosing which to go with. I want to go Blood Elf but their skin color options blow chunks. I want to go Night Elf but I am worried I will regret not going Blood Elf and at the same feel that I would find more roleplay Horde side than Alliance should I actually try to roleplay for once since early Cataclysm. I also plan to make this Demon Hunter a Leatherworker. Though I could technically turn my Rogue or Monk into a Leatherworker and have one for both sides, that would solve that issue. You can see my issue, I am overthinking this way too much and it's driving me crazy. Apologies for the long post, just needed to see what others would think. Also which faction will have the better storyline. I had a tough decision with this as well, all I can do is wish you luck. A benefit to demon hunters started originally with Pandaren is with our language option of Demonic we can talk cross-faction with fellow blood elf demon hunters. I'm having a similar issues. I played blood elf all day yesterday and rely enjoyed it. I got most of the gear off events and was working on old raid content for trasmog gear. I love the male blood elf voice and unlike you, i do like the skin options. However, Tonight, i decided to delete my blood elf roll a nelf and again i'm rely enjoying it. I like that i can have a beard and mohawk as they are important features to me. While on the topic, why do blood elves not have a mohawk option and can only have crappy looking soul patch as a beard. In addition to that I love, love, love the color green and night elves can have green skin and hair. I also have a lot more friends to play with on alliance. Even after playing both i'm still finding choosing a faction race rely hard. Honestly shocked to find so many people having the same issue as myself Knifeears. I too created a female Night Elf, Male Night Elf and male Wow demon hunter races Elf to try them out, got them to 100 and started doing invasions with them and getting those BoA glaives and upgrading them. I really enjoy the voice the male Blood Elves get for their Demon Hunters and I like how gear looks on them as well as their attack stances and whatnot. This just keeps leading me in a circle over and over of constantly rerolling because I like aspects of all 3 and can't make a decision. That way I won't go an expansion where my Warlock is my alt for once. Wow demon hunter races ended up going night elf myself. Like those above - night elves allow for a more varied backstory options. Weather you suffered first hand from the legion or whatever, something drove you to seek out Illidan. Though honestly I think from a roleplay perspective I prefer Night Elf, not only is the dark scaly skin with the white hair the coolest looking, I just like it more from a lore perspective. Actually no I'm lying I just like the dark scaly skin and white hair combo a lot. I can agree with every statement. The dark scale skin color with white hair works so well together, I can definitely agree with that. And there is definitely alot to work with roleplay wise with Night Elves too. I am still hesitant to go full on Night Elf still. Even though I create him and give him his name I hover over the enter world button and just stop myself and start thinking. I do the same when I do the Blood Elf. I've even looked at everything from emotes to animations on both, their stances and how transmog gear looks on them. There's also the whole balance issue. I have 6 Alliance and 5 Horde currently. Should I care about having 6 classes on both sides. And I'm also considering the whole leatherworking thing still. My Horde main right now has more than enough gold to powerlevel it whereas on Alliance I have barely 5k. This is my whole issue, I just can't stop thinking.