❤Thread hooking up a ssd to a p67 motherboard ❤ Click here: http://vatsivalti.fastdownloadcloud.ru/dt?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9iaXRiaW4uaXQyX2R0LyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6NDQ6IlRocmVhZCBob29raW5nIHVwIGEgc3NkIHRvIGEgcDY3IG1vdGhlcmJvYXJkIjt9 Connect the others later. I plan to do the foll: 2 x 120GB SATA III SSD in RAID 0 for os and programs. Please read Wikipedia's article on Silicon Image however -- there are 3-4 models of chips you need to avoid. Any of this help? You will lose some control over things like delay settings that you would have if you used DD for everything, but using analog will save you from having to buy a sound card. What do you mean by disable drive indexing. Are you thinking of a BIOS setting. So why should I give Gigabyte another chance. EFI SataDriver between within the BIOS. On the Intel controller, will I then be able to get the full performance out of them, or do the SATA port share capacity. There was a lot of confusion when the TRIM supporting RAID driver launched as TRIM in RAID is still unsuccessful. Skill DDR3-2133, 16gb 4x4gb 9-11-10-28-108-1T 1. To lo the cpu socket. That is something totally outside of the Operating System. Weird SATA AHCI Issue on Intel Chipset 6 - By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of data and cookies. I really didn't want to have to dismantle my system but I kinda need at least one more port. Building my system with the components you see listed below. I just bought the ASUS P8P67 Pro about a month ago and I swear 2 weeks later I was notified about the recall. My question is this: with the ASUS P8P67 Pro Recall I'm wondering if I should send my mobo back and get a new one for my system, or just wait until April when everythings fixed. If I wait I'd have to use the sata ports that arent screwed up obviously--and I wont be able to hook up all of my components which include the dvd burner, SSD, and HDD if I do this. What do you guys think? If you think I should get a new mobo, what's as good or better than the ASUS P8P67 Pro for my build? This limits how much hardware I can hook up to the mobo. I dont know if there are any other SB mobo's I can use with the i7 2600K that arent all fubar'd up, havent gone searching around for one. I have the same ASUS P8P67 Pro and I just moved my two SATA connectors to the 6G ports. If you are generally happy with the ASUS P8P67 Pro, you can keep the optical drive on the 3G ports and put your HDDs on the 6G ports, you will be fine, you have two Intel and two Marvel 6G ports that you can use. And if you want to RMA the motherboard, you can have ASUS send you a new motherboard requires a credit card in advance and then swap them the same day rather than wait or buy a different motherboard. If I am not mistaking the p67 pro has 4 sata III ports that are unaffected. So If you are only using a ssd, hdd and a dvd burner. You will be fine. The ports that are affected are the sata II. I say wait for the replacement board because the Sandy Bridge is still faster than the i7 950. Use two Marvell SATA III 6Gbps ports for your SDD and platter hard drive. Use one Intel SATA III 6Gbps port for your optical drive. Enjoy your system until April when the new fixed boards come out. RMA it when they are available. You won't regret it, as Sandy Bridge kicks butt and takes names in pretty much every category. Because in the recall notification I received something is wrong with several SATA ports on my current mobo ASUS P8P67 Pro so they recommend not using them and only using a couple of SATA ports only. This limits how much hardware I can hook up to the mobo. I dont know if there are any other SB mobo's I can use with the i7 2600K that arent all fubar'd up, havent gone searching around for one. I think you misunderstood the recall. It's for all P67 motherboards, not just Asus. So they have all been taken off the market. Hi, I have the P8P67Pro aswell and while playing crysis 2 I hit a point where it lagged really bad and then pc crashed. After troubleshooting for a while I switched everything over to the 6gbs ports and all is well... Is there any known fix for this or am I left having to RMA it? I really didn't want to have to dismantle my system but I kinda need at least one more port.