Big rab show => Feel free to message us on Facebook and on Twitter and let us know what you would like to hear on the show, as well just to let us know that you're listening. According to our research and some help. Following a two-year break, confirmed on her page that a new year's special had completed filming on 10 October 2013, and was aired on on 2 January 2014. Was also discovered to be at , although gave up this avenue when he realised it wasn't getting him any. He seems to get along with Gash better than Burney did. Ian Pattison created and wrote all 65 episodes, and Colin Gilbert produced and directed all 65 episodes as well. Nesbitt is a Scottish which began in 1988. We're not gonna give a list of prize winners here, cuz by now you'll already know who has won what. What the are the products that we would like to see under our Christmas tree this year? Owns a cloak allegedly once owned by but is most often seen as well as a dog with a -like horn. The show wouldn't be half as entertaining without you guys, the listeners. Rather we'll focus on the impending return of the radio show!! Feel free to message us on Facebook and on Twitter and let us know what you would like to hear on the show, as well just to let us know that you're listening. Or help support us via our Patreon page. Rab has four brothers, all dead; Rab only survived because he was the only one out of the five who was able to understand the benefits form. The others were Strathclyde Police 88-91. The Big Rab Show Podcast - Thanks to Cullybackey Pipe Band, the legendary piper Fred Morrison will be making an appearance in Northern Ireland on March 7th. So let's talk Worlds qualifying. The Heats for Grade 1 Qualifying. According to our research and some help. We have came up with this. One Worlds winning band - Glasgow Police. Or to put it another way. Every Worlds winner, apart from Victoria Police 98 since 1991. The others were Strathclyde Police 88-91. Number of Majors won by bands in each heat in the last decade including 2005 season. Heat 2 defo looks to be the more difficult of the two. So the first major of the year has past us by and it wasn't without its drama. But we're not gonna focus on that. Rather we'll focus on the impending return of the radio show!. Well done to the mighty Field Marshal Montgomery Pipe Band and to Bleary and District Pipe Band for both of their title wins. Starting off the season very strong, both will be ones to watch as the season progresses, as many many bands are nipping at their heels. This past week seen Rab n Joe interviewing the hugely influential and award winning folk band, Breabach. We'll let you Google them They took a rare jaunt accross the Irish Sea from Scotland, for a gig in Belfast and Lucky Rab n Joe were there to chat all things piping, cheese and tractors with the amazing bunch. Which finally sees the Big Rab Show hit the air on the 7th of July big rab show 7pm uk time To say that big rab show guys are excited, would be an understatement. With give aways, guests, top class interviews, Joe's Ponderings, A new Entertainment spot, and much much more!. The guys will hit the ground running on the 7th of July, and we hope the piping world will be there for the big kick off. We wish absolutely everyone competing these next few weeks, the very best of luck; and we'll see ye on the grass. Don't forget to send us your Selfies!. BigRabShow So yes the 2015 Piping season kicked off this past weekend in sunny Bangor. And already the action has been intense. With many new faces, as well as old war horses in the mix of the prizes. We're not gonna give a big rab show of prize winners here, cuz by now you'll already know who has won what. Suffice to say that you should pay attention to the Radio show's facebook page or the twitter account, for constant updates throughout the day of the competition. Then some reflections here on the previous weekends goings on. Lets start with the big guns in Grade 2. However Bleary were still strong enough to lift the Piping. This will be a very tight grade this year, and here's hoping for some more excelent competition as the year progresses. Other stand out moments from the day include the debut win by 1st Battn Scots in Grade 4B. Who had a very strong first outting, showing a steady form, and good tone. Also Upper Crossgare back in winning big rab show in 3B. A hard winters work obviously seems to have paid off. So with the season properly kicked off now, both here and around the world; what are your thoughts on the movers and shakers for this up and coming season. First up on stage was the Cullybackey Quartet. Easily strutting their way through hornpipes, jigs and strathspeys; you could easily see the band has some fantastic talent in their ranks. After a 30 minute set, the quartet marched off stage, to a big round of applause from the audience. The show was kicked off in style. Next up was band member Rachel McLeister. But her performance was outstanding. Unfortunitly she was let down a bit by the poor quality sound system, as it occasionally cut out the backing music. However she never wavered a note, and continued to mesmorise the audience with her incredible voice. Her two songs were, in a word. Audience members were stunned that such a voice could come from a girl so young. Fred Morrison even passed comment during his act, on how he was impressed with her singing. Rachel put on an amazing show, regardless of the sound problems and will certianly have a bright musical career ahead of her. Then our very own Big Rab, and Joe from the Big Rab Show stepped on to the stage. Again unfortunately hampered with a dodgy sound system, but still managed to have a laugh with the audience. Words cannot describe accurately what exactly happened in this game, but rest assured that hallarity was the end product. From this, it was left to Rab to finally introduce the main act for the night. After a rapturous applause, it was discovered that Fred had gone to the loo, so Joe had to go and fetch him, lol Well what could be said for Fred's performance. Starting things off with some blistering hornpipes on the Highland pipes, this set the tone for what was nothing short of an amazing display of talent. Fred seemed to be on top form as he switched from Highland pipes to whistle, to Irish pipes, all without batting an eye. As well as performing some of his well known favourites, Kansas City Hornpipe, Farewell to Uist, The High Drive. But the highlight of the show for many was his performance of Train Journey North. Which had some audience members rising to their feet, in whooping applause. Fred also proved to be a great story teller, providing some insite to the music and where it came from. As well as some amusing story's from the road. All in all Fred has been pegged with the status of being a legendary piper, and this performance just underpinned this. A real gentleman, and ambassador for modern day celtic music. A fantastic and inspiring display of masterful piping. Well if ye don't know by now, then where have ye been!!. Thanks to Cullybackey Pipe Band, the legendary piper Fred Morrison will be making an appearance in Northern Ireland on March 7th. It's a ticket only event, with other acts on the bill and a light supper provided; it will be an unforgettable night. Not to mention the Big Rab Show will be there too!. Yes Joe n Rab will be there to interview folk and record all the goes on. So if you haven't already. Contact a member of Cullybackey Pipe Band now and pick up your tickets for what will be an incredible night of music, n banter!. Hope to see ye's all there Rab. Well Happy New Year everyone. Us here on the Big Rab show big rab show our first engagement with the piping world, in helping welcome the legend that is Fred Morrison to Northern Ireland on the 7th of March. Fred is coming to perform at an event ran by Cullybackey Pipe Band, it's ticket only so be sure to grab your tickets now to avoid disappointment. This will be an amazing night of music n banter, and a great preseason get together for all of the piping world; before hitting the grass to compete. We hope to see loads of you there!. Well folks, that's yet another broadcast season finished for The Big Rab Show. And it was a blast!. We want to say a massive Thank you to everyone who took part, txt and messaged big rab show during 2014. The show wouldn't be half as entertaining without you guys, the listeners. We love our Piping, and we love our piping community. We hope that our show reflects this and we will continue to provide a reflection of everything that's going on in the piping world. So on behalf of Joe and Rab, we wish you all a big rab show Merry Christmas. And we'll see ye's all in 2015 for bigger and better things to come!.