Online book club => The First Ten program is a nice way to get Amazon gift cards and the drawings are real also. Or your cubicle … Or your subway seat … Or during the movie your boyfriend dragged you to. The separate group was established in 2011. I mean, yes, starting a book club with your friends or your co-workers or your mom's friends' co-workers is still very much an option. We are not a book store, and we do not sell books. Even if you are a nervous public speaker, online book clubs can give you a voice without giving you anxiety. If your book club discussion exceeds 10 participants, then Google Hangouts On Air is your girl. Books in this club cover everything about the military and military history from current times all the way back to ancient times. Any issues I have are directly addressed by the site owner, Scott, with all humility. This gives an unknown author tremendous exposure. I have never read a book that so accurately and honestly describes early motherhood. Yes, they are a legitimate company. Want to read about the world? × There are so many great things about being in a book club, from the camaraderie and a glass of wine on a night out to the discovery of new people and, of course, new books. Reading selections most often include popular fiction, mystery, thriller and historical fiction. 14 Online Book Clubs You Can Join Right Now - Basically they are actively purging sites and reviewers en masse when they detect any questionable or unscrupulous review practices or manipulation. Ich freue mich eure erledigten Aufgaben zu bearbeiten, mich mit euch auszutauschen und zu unterhalten ; Aber, worum geht es denn eigentlich? Yes, they are a legitimate company. I have been doing reviews for them for a year now. The emphasis is on giving honest reviews. Although they do want you to attempt to read books that you are at least interested in and think that you might like. You are required give a summary with nothing to ruin the plot, so no spoilers. You are also required to back up your review score. The expectation is that you are giving a professional review, and so they demand quality work, not something shabby. The better quality your review even if it is a negative onethe higher your reviewer score, the more you are potentially able to make. For authors, things like Books of the Day, which people share on multiple media sites, help them be visible to many more people, and brings more eyes to the review of their book, and their Amazon blurb and sample. Each reviewer also shares their reviews across their media sites and your rating is impacted by how many views you get, so sharing is a good idea. This gets the author exposure in areas that they might not ever get a foothold in otherwise. I have many Facebook and Google friends, just to name a couple sites, that read every online book club I write. There are also other ways to make money. I have been the recipient of this a couple times. Your chances of winning improve the more active you are on the site. There are other contests throughout each month. They have a Book of the Month that they promote, and the person who posts the discussion question with the highest response wins an Amazon gift card. Some reviewers also have the opportunity to write a short review based on the first 10 pages of the Book of the Day. This is also something that I have been the recipient of. As with any online forum, it takes awhile to learn the rules and where everything is located, how to online book club your reviewer score up there, etc. But this is true with any platform like online book club. If you like to read and write, this could be a good opportunity. I have enjoyed it and it has made me really appreciate the work that authors invest in a book. Just something like making sure your book is well-edited has become something I am deeply grateful for. I have read my share of poorly edited books. Additionally, it has made me a stronger writer, also of great value to me. Hi there, here is my unpleasant experience of Onlinebookclub. Its been a week now and I haven't heard back, but I do get automated emails asking me to give them more money. Did a retweet campaign for the same company, but when pay day rolled around, I receive an email telling me I will not get paid because my tweets were too vague I actually looked and they were the most detailed, specific, related tweets but anyway that's another boring story. There is no where on the site to contact Scott, or to apply for a refund, but there is a faq and forum page. Probably a clever way to get lots of clicks and comments on forums. Oh and he said 'but I am removing you from the program. I do not want you to participate anymore. So anyway, that's my experience, I hope yours is much better. And Scott if you're reading this, I want my refund. I have joined and been an user for almost a year. I found it very hard to navigate through the website and understand all the benefits the website offered but after I fully online book club everything, I have been benefiting a great deal from the club. Anytime, I have had a problem, Scott, the owner has personally online book club out to me and fixed the issue. It takes roughly a day or two for him to get back to you, which is no surprise due to the volume of users he has. The programs and the prize offers are all legit and I get compensated through PayPal for anything I either win or work for. Yes, they pay you, but it takes time to online book club the system and work your way up to that level. You'll have to do several unpaid reviews and figure out how to follow the guidelines to bump your score, but after that it's pretty easy. I'm still a relative newbie, but finally made it to levels 3 and 4. I'm in the 5—10 dollar range at the moment. I've done two paid reviews and am currently working on a third. The Online book club Ten program is a nice way to get Amazon gift cards and the drawings are real also. You have to be careful to follow the rules though; I won a drawing, but because I forgot to download the free book, I didn't get the prize. I've always gotten paid, but the bad thing is the way Scott does it, PayPal takes a cut, online book club instead of 5 bucks you get 4. The way he does it, PayPal thinks you sold him something and that's online book club they take a cut, so if I could change anything, it would be that. I can't speak for the experiences of authors, but for reviewers it's pretty fun and I've enjoyed reading all the books so far. It would be nice to make a career out of Book Club, but I'm not sure that's realistic. It gets harder to get to the higher levels the further up you go, but I still think it's a great way to enjoy books and get compensation. Yes, in my experience, but like any job, you get promoted based on your performance and the editors' opinions of your work. I love it though overall. It's a dream come true for a book lover like me. I've read some fabulous books because of this club. This website is most definitely legitimate. Over the last year I've had the opportunity to review books and have received compensation for that task. Reviews giving an even higher compensation are also available once you reach a certain level. There are ethical issues associated with all paid reviews. I have serious doubts about the ability of this site to comply with those requirements. Amazon has also adopted the policy that paid reviews are not allowed in the verified customer reviews. I have reached out to Scott and not received any response from him on this issue. I posted an article on Presari post on the Update on the Amazon Policy Changes and how to deal with it. Read the actual Amazon Review Policy Guidelines. To get to the most recent information, use the slicing tools at Google and Bing to narrow the results to the last month of posts. Amazon is still allowing authors to offer free and discounted review copies but you cannot exchange a book for a review or influence the content of the review in any way. The author community is sort of up in arms over the fact that Amazon is deleting product reviews. Basically they are actively purging sites and reviewers en masse when they detect any questionable or unscrupulous review practices or manipulation. You can read several great posts analyzing the details that authors are seeing and experiencing including an excellent discussion by author Derek Murphy at The Creative Indie and Author Marketing Expert Penny Sansevieri. It takes special planning to avoid violating the Amazon prohibitions. There is some online book club advice available describing the best ways to go about getting more verified Amazon customer reviews Make sure you slice to the most current results and qualify the advice by verifying the authority and credentials of the contributor. Any issues I have are directly addressed by the site owner, Scott, with all humility. All paid reviews are promptly paid through PayPal as soon as they get approved. I have received more than 5 Amazon gift cards through this give away. There are other packages like the Twitter Retweets Program and The First Ten. Although for circumstances beyond my control, I had to quit the twitter retweets program, it was totally legit when I was on board and still is.