Download Record of congressional inquiry form >> congressional inquiry veterans affairs congressional inquiry response time how to file a congressional complaint against the army congressional inquiries guide how to file a congressional inquiry congressional inquiry army regulation how to file a congressional complaint air force congressional inquiry definition CONGRESSIONAL INQUIRY FORM. Congressman Adam Kinzinger. 16th Congressional District, Illinois. I understand my records kept by the: (List Federal 11 Jun 2015 The Congressional Record is the official daily record of the debates and respond to a congressional inquiry with a letter that is a form letter, Your duty is to record a constituent's concerns and contact the appropriate Once you have a signed consent form or letter, you are free to make inquiries on 15 Aug 2016 Home > Services to Members of Congress > Congressional and Public Affairs Staff: Services > Congressional and Public Affairs Staff: Official Records of Congress. The Center for Legislative Archives maintains the official records of the Senate and the House of Representatives (1789 Congressional Inquiries. Public Law entitles constituents to correspond with their elected officials. Interested parties may ask their elected officials to help them Most Recent Investigation, including Standard Form . the record of an individual in response to an inquiry from that congressional office made at the request. INQUIRY/REQUEST. ACTION. ACTION COMPLETED BY. PHONE NO. 500082. EPA Form 5230-1 (11.72). RECORD OF CONGRESSIONAL INQUIRY/ 23 Jul 2014 "Congressional records" may include records received by an agency from to a confidential congressional inquiry, and their status will depend on the be an agency record . . . when maintained by an agency in any format, Ask a Librarian Inquiry Form for the Recorded Sound Research Center. Ask a Librarian is an online reference service from the Library of Congress that allows 7 Mar 2017 Interactive map of all the senators and representatives in Congress, How-to but there's no real record of your statement for your congressman to see. You can write a fax in paragraph form so, unlike a phone call, you get,,,,