version 1.6: * Added Dalmatia and Lan Xang * new National Value system from PDM added. * Political Leader system from PDM added. * Dynamic Cores & Core Removal system from PDM added. * Added some workaround events which should stop countries from leaving armies "stranded" in enemy territory, and thus unable to declare war on them. * Added "Native Rebels" which can rise up in a post-colonial country and change the Primary Culture to one of the local accepted cultures. * Re-worked the Second American Revolution chain-- states no longer secede individually, but as groups. This can also occur during large rebellions. American dictatorships now only suffer through the chain for 10 years. * New formation decision for Yugoslavia. Now Yugoslavia starts with less accepted cultures, but can get more with decisions-- and also has decisions to invite other Balkan countries into the union (including Bulgaria and Greece). * Unification Humiliate CB (the "Brother's War") now no longer clears the opponent's spheres. It's a much cheaper (and infamy-free) version of Take From Sphere available once you research State & Government. * Added a "Free Allied Cores" CB which is a version of Free Peoples which you can use on behalf of allied spherelings-- it's cheaper, costs less Infamy and justifies faster. * "Monroe Doctrine" CB added for the USA, useable against European countries which take over territory in Central/South America that they don't begin the game with. * "Sahel Jihad" CB added for Sunni nations in the Sahel, allowing them to expand against neighbours. * Make Puppet CB now also adds the target into your sphere and can change their government to match yours, if your government is different. * Gunboat CB added back in, but useable only by GP's. * Humiliate CB now results in an extra chunk of prestige removed from the target-- usually between 20-25% of their total. * New CB's added for installing fascism & communism (and installing democracy in fascist/communist dictatorships). * Restored restrictions on CB's taking a country's capital state without annexing it-- this was the cause of "ghost" armies/navies remaining after taking a country piecemeal. * A bunch of AI restrictions worked into a number of CB's-- particularly Acquire State and Conquest-- to make the AI use these CB's a bit more reasonably. * "Great Game" event chain added for Russia and the UK, if both are GP's. It will encourage them to puppet Central Asian countries between India and Russia (and can result in the annexation of some, once they're puppeted). This includes a Great Game CB. * Added Neutrality for Switzerland. While it has the Neutrality modifier, the number of CB's which can be invoked against it are very limited (more open up should it become a GP or have colonies). Players do have a "Violate Swiss Neutrality" decision which they can use to remove that modifier from Switzerland at a hefty Infamy cost. * "Treaty of London" switched from a Netherlands decision to a British "Mediate Belgian Independence" decision (why would a Netherlands player ever take it?). Both Netherlands and Belgium have the option to refuse. * Added new event chains for the Dungan Rebellion, Panthany Rebellion and the Second Opium War for China. * Added new Irish event chains: the Irish Potato Famine, the Irish Republican Brotherhood, Home Rule and the Irish War of Independence. * Updated the Cochinchina event chain for France, plus several Indochina events/decisions should it get that foothold in Southeast Asia. * Imperial Japan now starts as one of the Shogunate's substates (rather than seceding during the Boshin War). Updated all the decisions, plus made a surviving Shogunate more playable. * Fixed the Romanian War of Independence chain, so it should now actually fire (if Crimean War events end up following historical lines). * Revamped the French Revolution event chain. * Removed German cores from Alsace-Lorraine. These are added when NGF or SGF is formed-- and are required for NGF or SGF to form Germany (they are now the only way to do so-- one cannot skip NGF/SGF to form Germany any longer). * Socialist/Fascist events revamped, added some new events to spread Communism. * Lots of minor and major bug fixes.