99 Exclusive Dating Secret For Men Part II 11. Keep the conversations between you two light and funny. No heavy topics or negatives. Don't talk about other girls, or your ex, or how boring your life is. Keep it positive. 12. Never ask her on a date for the weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) until she asks you. 13. When you call the girl, ask her for a specific day at a specific time for a specific thing. ex. "Lets meet Wednesday afternoon at 3:00pm for a coffee at Starbucks. Can you make it?" If she says no, or makes up an excuse, just say "OK, have a good day" and hang up. Flush the number down the toilet. She has low interest level 14. If she counter offers and says "I can't make it, but i can do it Thursday." Then you can accept it. If she says Friday or Saturday, tell her you're busy. Even if you're not. Then end the conversation and hang up. Call again in 5-9 days. This creates challenge. Sunday's are only OK for a counter offer from her. 15. A girl must be flexible, giving, and have a good attitude and character. 16. Too many guys rush into relationships. The key is patience. 17. KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF! Don't touch her arm, her leg, or her at all! She will touch you when she knows it is OK. That is when you know she is interested for sure! 18. Don't attempt to kiss her on the first date unless she initiates first. 19. When you drop her off, stop about 10ft before her front door. This shows her you are not wanting to go inside. 20. On the second date when you drop her off, go in for a kiss. If she refuses, flush the number down the toilet. She's not interested. 21. Only give her 2 compliments a date. These should be "you look nice" when you pick her up, and "I had a nice time" when you drop her off. 22. You should have a bottom line factor. If she crosses that line, she needs to know you WILL leave her. And do it! 23. Have a backbone. If you don't agree with something, hold your ground! 24. If the girl is consistently late, it shows low interest level. 25. Out of 30 girls that you ask for their number, 20 will say no, 5 will give you the wrong number, 2 will be mercenaries (gold diggers), 2 will have bad attitudes or not be your type, and 1 will MAYBE work out. 26. It's a numbers game. The more girls you try to date, the better your chances are. It's like salesmen. They fail a lot, but succeed enough to keep trying. 27. Divorce rate in America is 50%. The girl divorces the man more than 65% of the time. Let's get it right the first time, shall we? 28. Don't fear rejection. Everyone does, but this is a numbers game after all. If you never try, you will never succeed. 29. She might seem interested when you ask for her number, but it could be an act. When you call and she seems less enthusiastic about you, she was never interested in the first place. 30. If she cheats, she is out.