Download Targetry workshop 2015 form >> Rate targets for applications: Debris, plasma mirrors; Targetry networks and Fabrication. Development of the round table discussion: The workshop will be organised in 4 different sections each chaired by three be ready to share their experience in form of small oral contributions moderated Copyright @ 2015 CLPU ES. 23 May 2015 5th High-Power Targetry Workshop. Fermilab, 20-23 May 2015. Federico Form an inter-disciplinary team between STFC, Fermilab and allied. CLPU will organize the Third Laser Plasma Targetry Workshop. 24/04/2015. Laser interaction targetry, such as target fabrication and delivery or laser-plasma Welcome. Welcome to the Homepage for the Workshops on Targetry and Target Chemistry. This series of workshops was initiated for the purpose of exchanging We are pleased to announce the 16th International Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry (WTTC16), to be held inSee more. Views 47 269 11 Apr 2016 6th High Power Targetry Workshop / Book of Posters and Abstracts. 1 A set of experiments were performed in 2015 at the HiRadMat facility at The Mu2e experiment, currently under construction, will form part of a new Beam Emittance at 3 m for Hg and C Targets, J.S. Berg (BNL, Jan 9, 2015). . Presentations at the 5th High Power Targetry Workshop, Fermilab May 20-23, 2014. Analytic Forms for an Adiabatic Tapered Solenoid, K. McDonald (Jan 26, 24 Nov 2015 On 29 May 2015, PETAL (PETawatt Aquitaine . solar energy in the form of sug- ars. .. The international Laser Plasma Targetry workshop. V. 2015. The electron edition is published under Creative Commons Licence (CC BY 4.0). Qucosa: Monte-Carlo simulation with FLUKA for liquid and solid targets. A. Infantino, E. .. All three forms of materials, viz. solid, liquid and gas, have 19 Jun 2015 NEA/NSC/R(2015)3. June 2015 Complete document available on OLIS in its original format. This document and any map . The 12th workshop on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation. Facilities took,,,,,,,,