his "sinking to the bottom like a stone." After this deliverance of the new Israel by this new Moses, the new Moses with the new Israel went on to the conquest of the heathen in the wilderness, to the full establishment of the new theocracy, to the entering of the promised land, and to the saints of the Most High taking the kingdom. Accordingly, by the new Moses a tabernacle was set up, and a priesthood in imitation of the divine original in the Scriptures was established. And still in imitation of that divine original in the Scriptures, Sunday was by Iaw made the sign of this new and 10 false theocracy, as the Sabbath was and is the sign of the original, the true, and the divine Theocracy. And this was done the with this direct intent; for we have it so stated in the words of Bishop Eusebius himself, who was one of the chief ones in the doing of it. Here are his words: "All things whatsoever it was duty to do on the Sunday these WE have transferred to the Sunday." That the scheme and system of things thus established was in their thought the very kingdom of God on earth, is also plainly and positively stated by Bishop Eusebius thus: "Invested as he is with a semblance of heavenly sovereignty, he [Constantine] directs his gaze above and FRAMES HIS EARTHLY GOVERNMENT according to THE PATTERN of that DIVINE ORIGINAL, feeling strength in ITS CONFORMITY TO TH