What Are Kidney Stones? As the kidneys filter waste from the blood, they create urine. Sometimes, salts and other minerals in urine stick together to form small kidney stones. These range from the size of a sugar crystal to a ping pong ball, but they are rarely noticed unless they cause a blockage. They may cause intense pain if they break loose and push into the ureters, the narrow ducts leading to the bladder. Kidney Stone Symptoms When kidney stones move through the urinary tract, they may cause: 1. Severe pain in the back, belly, or groin 2. Frequent or painful urination 3. Blood in the urine 4. Nausea and vomiting Home Care for Kidney Stones If a kidney stone seems small enough, your doctor may recommend you take pain medicine and wait for the stone to pass out of the body on its own. During this time, your doctor may recommend that you drink enough water and fluids to keep urine clear -- about eight to 10 glasses a day.