Remove component angular cli => So you will need to do this manually. We need to setup our project. This can help reduce the size of our app by more than half! This works similarly to using libraries installed by npm in that you can just import your components and use in your library. First add to our project. You'll even notice the index. We are able to use component selectors in any other template of any other component. It can be called like. Now the purpose of our virtual-machines component is to hold one or more instances of a virtual-machine component. Otherwise when we try to generate components using the ng generate command we will get the following error. You can use them to change things like the destination build directory or defining a different entry point for your app. This template is being referenced by a template local variable template. The main difference between these commands is that ng new will create a new directory and ng init will create a new project in the current directory. The Ultimate Angular CLI Reference Guide — SitePoint - You were not supposed to import it from there in the first place as it already imports AppModule, and AppModule is the one importing all the components you created. Use the library in the same way we did eariler and you see that it will work here as well! There is no command which will change the name of all files generated using component create command. I am a frequent user of angular cli and I think this is a nice to have command as some time we just create angular components and need to rename it. As this rename command is not there, deleting the created angular component, directive, etc and again running the command to create the component is really pain. So, in my case I needed to rename a component, I just renamed its folder and inner file names, then I just followed all the error indications, modifying the name of this component remove component angular cli. This works incredibly well with Type Script. Renaming all instances of reference :- After finding all the references you can press F2 will open a popup and you can change the value and click enter this will update all the instances of reference. Renaming files and imports You can rename a file and its import references with a plugin. More details can be found With above steps after renaming the variables and files you can achieve the angular component renaming. Seriously, please, please use version control. Not using version control should give you the same feeling as doing all your work in Notepad and never actually saving it: the longer you go the more nervous you should feel. Either way, I don't recommend using ng-rm. Another reason for the manual way: It is a bit tedious, but you have more control, and if you know what you are doing, you know exactly remove component angular cli and where has changed in your code.