1) 2 Fake Facebook Accounts 3) One E-mail ID Before We Start : Send Friend Request to victim from all three accounts(Your account and 2 Fake Accounts). Victim must be friend to all three accounts Procedure 1) Get the victim's facebook user name. /*Easy way to get someones user name is that, search victims account in fb then click on it and in url field u will see something like this "http://www. facebook. com/xyz?blablabla" in this case "xyz" is the user name of victim*/ 2) Open Facebook login page and enter the victim's username (we got in prosedure 1) as email id, then click on login. 3) Now facebook will tell you this Please re-enter your password The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again (make sure your caps lock is off). Forgot your password? Request a new one. click on the 'request a new one' link. 4) Now you will asked to search your ID using Your Mobile Num./Email Id/Username , entre this required Information of Victim you collected Find Your Account Email, Phone, Username or Full Name SearchCancel I can't identify my account Enter the user name we collected in procedure 2 and click on search. 5) Now FB will ask you for options for account recovery that Include either E-mail the recovery code or text it. Reset Your Password How would you like to reset your password? Email me a link to reset my password a*********m@gmail.com Text me a code to reset my password +**********22 +**********31 Facebook User Not You? ContinueCancel No longer have access to these? Here you need to click on No Longer Have Access To These. 6) Click on ‘No Longer Access to These’. Facebook will say you to enter new email account that you have now full access to send you the recovery details(I suggest you to enter a Fake or Temporary email address for safety purpose). How Can We Reach You? Please enter an email address or phone that you know you can access............... New Email or Phone Confirm New Email or Phone (I suggest you to enter a Fake or Temporary email address for safety purpose). 7) now facebook will tell you this, Recover Your Account Through Friends user Facebook User The only way to prove that this is your account is to show that your friends know you.More You'll need to: Step 1Choose 3 trusted friends Step 2Call your friends to get security codes. Step 3Recover your account. This process takes a few minutes for your friends. To learn more about this process, visit our Help Center. click on continue. 8) Now Facebook will ask you to select three friends from a selective list of trusted friends. Select a Friend to Assist You (1 of 3) Choose a trusted friend you can easily reach by phone. After you confirm your choices, your friends will receive instructions on how to help you. Search by Name Remove Search all friends Then select your three fake profiles from the list and hit continue. 9) Click ‘send security codes’ in new page. Now open Firefox and login into fake accounts copy the security codes and past them in corresponding fields. Facebook will now send you Resetting email from Facebook on the account you entered in Procedure 6. Now you are successfully hacked facebook account.