Something Small But Great! Years ago I read The Secret, it was a great book and it contained everything I believed in. Then for years after, I kept it in my mind but I realized I was forgetting to be grateful many times and I started to become negative more and more. A week ago The Power came into my path and while I’m not done reading it I gave myself a little challenge. The challenge was to believe and to feel love for something I wanted and as soon as it manifested I would post it here. So here I am! A few days ago I was in the train on my way to work and reading The Power when I read that I needed to feel love more than negativity to change circumstances. I have a high pressure job and I was hoping my manager would travel so I could have a little rest and catch up on things. That same afternoon only a few hours after, I decided that the Universe must give me what I want. And the only way to get this was by doing thinking positive and feeling love and as if it were true that my manager told me he had to leave for business and wouldn’t be back for another week! This might seem a small thing to everyone but to me it’s great to see how much a situation can change by just changing the way you feel. So thank you and feel the love!