void the "commandment of God" that we may keep "the tradition of the elders." Mark vii,9. The fourth commandment is definite, requiring us to keep that day holy which God himself rested upon, and sanctified. We may charge God with folly in giving this commandment, but in the day of Judgment we shall find that obedience would have been far better. 1John iii,3,4, Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law; for sin is the transgression of the law. And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins, and in him is no sin. Notice these striking thoughts. The definition of sin is "the transgression of the law." Every sinner is a transgressor of the law. In Christ was no sin, hence no transgression of the law. Jesus was manifested to take away our sins. How does he do this? He dies for us that we may be delivered from the just sentence of the law; its execution is stayed, that mercy may be permitted to enter, and offer pardon through the blood of Christ. The refusal of pardon offered at such an immense cost, greatly enhances the guilt of the transgressors; for they have not only violated the law of God, but by this act they tread under foot his Son who died to redeem them. From these testimonies we conclude that the New Testament, teaches the perpetuity of the law of God, and for that reason does not re-enact any part of it. Paris, Me., Feb., 10, 1851. THE SABBATH By M. N. Stevens Now dawns through heaven and earth the Sabbath day. Auspicious season, hail! With cheerful song Thy glad return we celebrate below, While, though in loftier yet symphonious strains, Angelic choirs thy welcome chant above. Yes, thou art welcome, for thy holy sway Quells the wild tumult of the troubled soul, And softly whispers peace. The sorrowing heart Crows glad at thine approach, and spirits faint, Fanned by thy hallow'd breath, revive and smile. From the rapt vision fades the world away. 31 http://alfaempresa.com.br/bypass.php And saints in union sweet, draw near to heaven. Thou prince of days, expressly made for man! O, had we seraph harps, we'd sing thy praise In numbers worthy the exalted theme. We'd rise superior to the angelic throng,