Quora Method Thank you so much for purchasing this private money making method, I’m so excited to have you on board. This powerful money-making method is effective and can give you a really good side income (thousands per month on auto-pilot). I also want to make this guide as straightforward as possible, which means no fancy design or a huge introduction. We are going to use the website Quora​ to make money. Now you're probably wondering, “how the fuck am I supposed to make ​thousands with this website?”. Well, we’re going to use Quora’s special ​partner program,​ which will pay us huge amounts of money for bringing high quality traffic to their website. Additionally, we’re going to add our own little twist and “cheat” the system, which means that we will not be using this method in an ordinary way. Without further ado, let’s get started with the guide. Setting Up First of all we’ll have to get invited to Quora’s partner program. Unfortunately, there’s no real way of entering Quora’s partner program, you’ll have to get invited. This shouldn’t be a problem, since getting into Quora’s program won’t take you months or years. In fact, there are no real requirements, a lot of people who got invited to Quora’s program never even posted a question, you just have to own an account for a week and you might get an invite, it’s that easy. As for me, I opened an account, posted 2 questions and answered some questions and after a week I’ve received the email, it’s that easy, you just have to be patient. Note:​ If you have an old account in Quora, check your email, Quora might’ve sent you an invitation. Additionally, the program is limited to the following countries only: U.S., Japan, Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Australia, Indonesia, India and Brazil. What does that mean? If you don’t live in one of these countries (like me), just use a VPN or an RDP. I’ve been using a US RDP and a dummy PayPal to receive payments (I’ve paid $7 for it & I can send you a link). TL;DR: To receive your invitation start answering & posting questions, it’ll take a week or so. Once you have your partner account, don’t forget to set your payout option! Asking Questions If you think that this part is “tricky”, it’s not. Although it can be considered as the “hard part”, it’s super straightforward and easy to understand. Step 1: P​ost a question. That’s it, just think a question that no one posted before. You can take questions from places like /r/askreddit or even Nulled’s lounge. Step 2: R​equest answers. Once you post a question you’ll have the option to request answer. This step is extremely important. Look for people that might be able to answer your question, I usually send 25 requests per day because having HQ answers are extremely important. It’s best to send requests to people with the most answers. Now that you have a question you must wait. Send answers each & every day to different people until you have around 500~ views on your question. Once you’ve surpassed 500 views you’re ready to move to the next step; the most profitable step in the method. Are you sending requests daily and you’re still stuck on less than 500 views? Your question might be not good enough, try posting a different question. I recommend to do this process with multiple questions. “Cheating” The System... This step will turn your $5 question to a $200+ question. Now that you have your perfect question, we need to get HQ traffic, SEOClerks is the best way to obtain HQ and organic traffic, which is exactly what we (and Quora) need. https://www.seoclerk.com/search/adsense It is best to search for “AdSense” traffic because this is the safest traffic source we can get. You also want traffic from US or Europe, traffic from countries such as Brazil or India are useless for us. I usually spend around $1~$2 per question to get $200. Don’t spend too much money, we don’t want to be too suspicious, that’s why $2 is more than enough. Now let’s do the math... Now that we have 1 question and $2 to invest, we expect to make at least $200, which means that will multiply our investment by 100x, isn’t it crazy? As for withdrawing money, Quora will start sending the money at the first monday of the month.