The Sango Ota Chief Magistrate Court, on Tuesday, struck out the case against Mr. Joachim Iroko, the trader accused of threatening public peace by naming his dog 'Buhari'. Mr. Iroko was arrested in August 2016, detained and subsequently charged to court by the Nigeria Police Force for naming his dog 'Buhari'. The suit was dismissed following serial failure by the prosecution to present witnesses and the continued absence of the nominal complainant, who claimed that Mr Iroko named his dog 'Buhari', after his father. The dismissal was sequel to an application by the defendant's lawyers that the case is struck out for want of diligent prosecution. Mr. O. O. Adebo, the Magistrate, granted the application and the case was duly struck-out, leaving Mr. Iroko to walk home a free man One of the defendant's lawyers, Mr. Inibehe Effiong, told SaharaReporters that he warned the Police from the beginning that they had no case against Mr.Iroko and that there was no legal basis for his arrest, detention, and prosecution on account of a conduct that did not harm and could not have harmed anybody.