Desired Location! I got my job in an incredible way. I liked the company very much so I was happy to stay at a different location for the sake of my favorite company. As days passed I started missing my olden days. I wanted to go back to my place. My organisation has a branch there too. I didn’t have a second thought. I believed I was going to be relocated to my place within a few days. It was like I already knew it. When ever I thought about going back to my old place I couldn’t stop smiling. I would imagine roaming all the places and meeting my old friends. I was thankful for my organisation for relocating me with so much ease. I packed my stuff and stopped buying unnecessary things as I knew I was going to relocate. After a fortnight I was informed that there was a requirement in another place and would be relocated there. In my mind I was like; I knew it! I knew it! Then they revealed the place. It was the place I longed for!!!! I was so happy but not surprised as I already knew it!!! Thanks to all the people who submit their marvelous stories.