Download Repartitioning ubuntu >> resize ubuntu partition ubuntu partition tool resize ubuntu partition from windows ubuntu resize2fs ubuntu expand partition vmware ubuntu gparted ubuntu resize root partition ubuntu resize partition command line You can't resize sda2 partition while it's in use. You need to boot your computer using a live USB or DVD Ubuntu, and then start Partition Dec 21, 2016 I was on Windows 10 and I installed Ubuntu 14.04 to try and I want to replace How can I repartition without affecting my data volume? Dec 30, 2012 If you wish to create a partition (in which to install Ubuntu Linux, for example) on a hard drive which already contains a Windows partition, or if Jul 2, 2014 No reinstall needed you can use Gparted and extend your ubuntu partition. Create a live Ubuntu usb boot from it and use Gparted to extend i want to repartition the hard drive without reinstalling ubuntu. i currently have a partition with xubuntu, a partition with ubuntu (ext3 because i wasn't sure if i could trust ext4), and a blank 20 gigs (because i was planning on trying out fedora). i want to get rid of all those Since I have officially been using Ubuntu on my office laptop for more than a solid month without once booting into Windows, it's time to mothball the Windows Apr 28, 2017 The procedure you need is spelled out in the Ubuntu wiki entry "Partioning/Home Moving". You need to run through these steps using the UUID If you already have an operating system on your system which uses the whole disk and you want to stick Ubuntu on the same disk, you will need to repartition it. May 21, 2012 Whether you want to shrink your Ubuntu partition, enlarge it, or split it up into several partitions, you can’t do this while it’s in use. You’ll need a Ubuntu live CD or USB drive to edit your partitions. The Ubuntu live CD includes the GParted partition editor, which can Apr 27, 2012 If you have already installed Ubuntu 12.04, then install GParted with sudo apt-get install gparted . Launch it using Alt + F2 , and typing gparted .,,,,,,,,