Upp syllabus in hindi 2019 => http://oprupdisttoun.nnmcloud.ru/d?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9iaXRiaW4uaXQyX2RsLyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6MjY6IlVwcCBzeWxsYWJ1cyBpbiBoaW5kaSAyMDE5Ijt9 The syllabus is the essential factor for exam preparation. This Time Management factor will play a important role in this exam. You can freely download these pdf files and can practice for your written examination to score well. Public Interest Law and Order, Police System, Crime Control, Interest in Profession and Others. Numerical Ability : Number System, Simplification, Decimals and Fraction, Highest common factor and lowest common multiple, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Discount, Simple interest, Compound interest, Partnership, Average, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Use of Tables and Graphs, Mensuration, Miscellaneous. Uttar Pradesh police Sub-Inspector exam syllabus and pattern 2019 Organization Name Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board, Lucknow No. If you qualify all these stages, and also you qualify the merit list cut off, you will get selected. The Applicants will be notified accordingly in due course. So written exam mandatory to appeared and get marks above cut off marks. And also, it contains the time duration, weightage for each section or topic, and negative marking. Link to the official website is given above. The only possible reason of a society being peaceful is because of the law that is implied and has been maintained properly without violating or teasing the liberty atoned by the Republic constitution. Mental Ability and Aptitude — Questions will based on Symbol Relationship Interpretation, Codification Logical Diagram, Perception Test, Letter and number series, Direction Test and Basic Logical questions. UP Police Constable Syllabus 2019 Exam Pattern PDF In Hindi - It is Expected that Huge No. Among the various State Commissioned law enforcement armed force is the Uttar Pradesh Police department which was established to secure the state law and order and to maintain peace along the protection of the state population. The responsibility of law enforcement for a particular state which has been entrusted to the State police department are responsible for the safety of the entire state and its population from various unwanted or unlawful activities. The only possible reason of a society being peaceful is because of the law that is implied and has been maintained properly without violating or teasing the liberty atoned by the Republic constitution. However in order to maintain the law and order there are various law enforcement force assigned over various region under different commission of State or either the Central. Among the various State Commissioned law enforcement armed force is the Uttar Pradesh Police department which was established to secure the state law and order and to maintain peace along the protection of the state population. So download and start your preparation for the written exam. The candidates are selected through various selection test after being shortlisted as an eligible candidates based upon the eligibility. However the selection process is no less tougher. Candidates compete for each and every single vacant seat available for the post of constable. During the selection process the candidates will go through various test of different category conducted to evaluate the candidates over various field as required. Therefore in this article we are here to discuss the information in concern of the written exam which is the initial and most important phase of the selection procedure. Therefore further on we will discuss the importance along with some of the important points of the written exam which should be understood by the candidates before they appear the written exam. The exam patter means the mode of examination along with the marks distribution,and all of the other integral factors that make up the entire written exam. Hence marks for each section will vary. However the candidates must know that under these sections or subjects there are various and particular syllabus and topics which has been especially prescribed for the written exam conducted for the recruitment of constable post. The candidates need to go through the following syllabus and topics under each subject for better preparation in case of the written exam for the constable recruitment. Intelligence Quotient Test Relationship and Analogy Test, Direction Sense Test, Blood Relation, Problems based on alphabet, Time sequence test, Spotting out the dissimilar, Series Completion, Coding-Decoding, Venn diagram and chart type test, Arranging in order, Mathematical Ability Test. Reasoning Ability Analogies, Similarities, Differences, Arithmetical computations and other analytical functions, Visual memory, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship, Concepts, Arithmetical Reasoning, Verbal and figure classification, Space visualization, Problem solving, Analysis and Judgment, Decision-making, Arithmetical number series, Abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationships. However the preparation can only be effective if the candidates have the best study materials relevant upp syllabus in hindi 2019 the syllabus of upp syllabus in hindi 2019 written exam. To prepare is to be determined and to be committed towards one goal but without proper plan and vision there will be no execution but rather failure. However it is never impossible for any candidates to pass the exam with flying colors but for that the candidates must be dedicated towards the preparation. For more details about the and please visit this site and also visit the official website for full details.