The iPhone 4s 8GB comes pre-installed with the latest iOS 7, as found on the iPhone 5c and 5s. The iPhone 4s costs significantly less than the 5s and the 5c yet it offers much of the same functionality and usability, making it a very sensible choice. It has a fast dual core processor and a superb camera. The iSight 8 megapixel camera can take exceptionally good photos, noticeably better than previous iPhones. It can also record HD video at full 1080p resolution, with video stabilisation. The latest Siri voice controlled assistant on iOS 7 lets you use your voice to send messages, schedule meetings, place phone calls and much more. Siri understands what you say, knows what you mean, and even talks back. For example you could say something like 'Tell my wife I'm running late', 'Remind me to call the vet', or 'What's the weather like in Manchester tomorrow?' And Siri will answer. The iOS 7 operating system is even simpler, more useful and more enjoyable than ever. Control Centre, AirDrop for iOS and smarter multitasking are just a few of the great new features. iCloud lets you access your music, photos, documents, calendars and more from whatever device you're on