The girls also have to play two solo piano pieces in front of judges next week, plus a piano recital, plus I am behind on my word goal for my book, plus I am so tired that I am worried something may be wrong with me medically, but whatever. Life is life is life is life. I think my problems are hard and then I sit down with anyone, could be you or you or you, and I’m like, WHAT PROBLEMS. I won’t give anything away but there is this one person who has this one single problem and when I heard about it I was like holy shit, I am so very grateful for my problems that they are not that problem. High five, My Problems! Y’all are the Valedictorians of Not Being The Most Fucked Up Situation Possible. No, this week in celebration of the 17th birthday of my website I’m going to implore you to listen to James Blake’s cover of “Vincent” originally written and recorded by Don McClean. This song showed up in Spotify’s Discover Weekly last month and I’d never heard the original. I’ve been a James Blake fan for several years—his song “Radio Silence” was the song I listened to most in 2016, That Most Awful of Awful Years. That songs’s main lyrics are based off a Bill Withers song called “Hope She’ll Be Happier With Him”, a song he has covered many times and TANGENT, SORRY! He covered this song at Bonnaroo in 2014 and changed up THE critical line from “I can’t believe that she don’t want to see me” to “I can’t believe that I really would leave her”. Could someone please help me decode this shit because I am in a deep, deep rabbit hole and cannot get up. So I was drawn to the simple piano accompaniment and added it to my February playlist after hearing the first 20 seconds or so. And now I have become so full-on obsessed that I know for a fact that when Spotify comes out with my year end stats for 2018, it will be in the top five songs I’ve played this year if it doesn’t outright occupy the top spot.