Chapter 8—The Question of Influence Who Has Told Sister White?—Those who have disregarded the messages of warning have lost their bearings. Some, in their self-confidence, have dared to turn from that which they knew to be truth, with the words, “Who has told Sister White?” These words show the measure of their faith and confidence in the work that the Lord has given me to do. They have before them the result of the work that the Lord has laid upon me, and if this does not convince them, no arguments, no future revelations, would affect them. The result will be that God will speak again in judgment as he has spoken heretofore.—The Review and Herald, May 19, 1903, p. 8. Did Anyone Tell Her These Things?—Some are ready to inquire: “Who told Sister White these things?” They have even put the question to me: “Did anyone tell you these things?” I could answer them: “Yes; yes, the angel of God has spoken to me.” But what they mean is: “Have the brethren and sisters been exposing their faults?” For the future, I shall not belittle the testimonies that God has given me, to make explanations to try to satisfy such narrow minds, but shall treat all such questions as an insult to the Spirit of God. God has seen fit to thrust me into positions in which he has not placed [63] any other one in our ranks. He has laid upon me burdens of reproof that he has not given to any other one.—Testimonies for the Church 3:314, 315. Someone Has Told Sister White—Even now unbelief is expressed by the words, “Who has written these things to Sister White?” But I know of no one who knows them as they are, and no one who could write that which he does not suppose has an existence. Someone has told me—He who does not falsify, misjudge, or exaggerate any case.—Special Instruction Relating to the Review and Herald Office and the Work in Battle Creek, p. 16. Untrustworthy if Influenced—You think individuals have prejudiced my mind. If I am in this state, I am not fitted to be entrusted with the work of God.—Letter 16, 1893. Mrs. White Did Not Read Certain Letters or Articles—You may blame me for not reading your package of writings. I did not read them, neither did I read the letters that Dr. Kellogg sent. I had a message of stern rebuke for the publishing house, and I knew that if I read the communications sent to me, later on, when the testimony came out, you and Dr. Kellogg would be tempted to say, “I gave her that inspiration.”—Letter 301, 1905. I have not been in the habit of reading any doctrinal articles in the paper [the Review and Herald], that my mind should not have any understanding of anyone’s ideas and views, and that not a mold of any man’s theories should have any connection with that which I write.—Letter 37, 1887. A Question Raised in Early Ministry—What if you had said ever so much, would that affect the visions that God gives me? If so, then the visions are nothing.... What you or anyone else has said is nothing at all. God has taken the matter in hand.... What you have 43 44 Selected Messages Book 3 said, Sister D, influenced me not at all. My opinion has nothing to do with what God has shown me in vision.—Letter 6, 1851. Reproof Not From Hearsay—I received your letter [64] and will endeavor to answer it. You say that you received the testimonies, but the portion in regard to deception you do not receive. Nevertheless, my brother, it is true, and hearsay has nothing to do with this case of reproof.—Letter 28, 1888. An Attempt to Guide Mrs. White—Brother E suggests that it would please the people if I speak less about duty and more in regard to the love of Jesus. But I wish to speak as the Spirit of the Lord shall impress me. The Lord knows best what this people needs. I spoke in the forenoon [Sabbath, October 17] from Isaiah 58. I did not round the corners at all.—Manuscript 26, 1885. Manipulated by One Mighty in Counsel—There are those who say, “Someone manipulates her writings.” I acknowledge the charge. It is One who is mighty in counsel, One who presents before me the condition of things.—Letter 52, 1906. Why Inquiries Were at Times Made—I am told by one who made a confession to me that doubts and unbelief had been cherished by them against the testimonies because of the words spoken to them by Sister F. One thing mentioned was that the testimonies to individuals had been told me by others and I gave them, purporting to be a message from God. Does my sister know that in this she is making me a hypocrite and a liar? ... One case was mentioned by Sister F, that she had told me all about the case of Brother G’s family, and the next thing she heard I was relating the very things she had told me as what the Lord had shown me. Let me explain. I am often shown families and individuals and when I have an opportunity with those who are acquainted with them, I make inquiry how that family is standing for the purpose of ascertaining if ministers or people have any knowledge of the existing evils. This was the fact in the case concerning Brother G’s family. I wished to see if the testimony was substantiated by facts. But that information given did not [65] originate the testimony, although shortsighted, tempted souls may thus interpret it.—Letter 17, 1887. Who Told Paul and Sister White?—When a testimony from the Lord is borne to the erring there is often a question asked: Who told Sister White? This must have been the case in the days of Paul, for someone must have [had] the interest of the church at heart to present before the apostle, God’s appointed minister, the dangers of the members of the church which threatened its prosperity. There is a time to speak and a time to keep silence. Of course, something must be done, and the Lord’s appointed minister must not fail in his work to correct these evils. Now these evils were existing, and Paul had a work to do to counteract them.... We know that Paul had presented before him the state of the churches. God