Habits is a usual way of behavior: more importantly, something one does in a regular or repeated pattern {Merriam-Webster}. Your habit could be anything you love doing irrespective of the fact that it is or may be detrimental and carries a negative effect. This is one reason why a kleptomania will see no wrong in stealing continuously and consecutively even if caught. Habit can be inborn or innate and can also be picked up overtime either by observation or as an influence from our nearest environment. But the good thing is that you can overcome. To be well placed and successful, you need to be able to put your negative habits in check and build upon the positive ones. Without deviating, we are talking about your life here (no disrespect!) and I will put it to you that you are already struggling because you are not the master of all your habits and little wonder you get so depressed and dejected most times. Every man has a negative behavioral imprint and I will show you some of them that will perpetually stand as a stumbling block to your overall progress, let’s get down to business! DEADLY HABITS THAT WILL MAKE YOU UNSUCCESSFUL AND STRUGGLE ETERNALLY IN LIFE Below I will outline some of the habits and possible solution to override their effects and also, I believe with the insight gotten from this article, you can do some more self-evaluation and come up with more and see if you can improve positively. deadly habits that will make you unsuccessful and struggle eternally in life YOUR DAILY ROUTINE IS NOT IN A PATTERN AND IS DISORGANIZED The start of everyday for everyone is the onset of another struggle to stay alive and achieve more. It’s not just enough to wake up in the morning and think the day will set itself in motion. Most of us have no routine and this makes the whole concept of time and taking control seem totally foreign. May I ask you the following questions? When do you wake up every morning? What do you do when you wake? Do you plan your day? 70% will be answer in the negative and this is the difference between you and that man who keeps raking in all the accolades and success. Always try to wake up at the same time every day, even if you are sleeping late, just try to sleep early to wake up early! Don’t just wake at the same time but try to wake up very early each day, least 6am, this gives you an head start into the day before others. Most important, plan your day and stop letting life take you by surprises and by the collar. YOU ARE YET TO DEFINE YOUR SOURCE OF HAPPINESS Do you know the power to do more and exceedingly, is in the ability to discover what makes you happy and ultimately pushing towards it. Most of us don’t have a defined source of happiness and so, waking up each day becomes a hard chore because you have no source of inspiration. Define your source of happiness and you will be surprised how well you will take on each challenge as they come, your happiness source could be a loved one, your job, your hobby and passion, your dream and aspiration… and if you don’t have any then make the RESULT OF SUCCESS your happiness source. Always imagine the kind of comfort you will get if you can conquer and succeed, that alone will give you all the push you want with an unwavering amount of confidence to do exploit. YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY NEGATIVITY AND ILL FEELING Damn you my friend if the force and energy around you is dark. Negativity is like a malignant cancer and it will eat up at you from inside. Ill feelings are the behavioral locusts and they will eat at you from outside and at the end, you become a living cadaver. No love lost, but you should learn to analyze your environment for any sign of negativity and discouragement that will put you down, strife and ill feelings will do you no good too. Learn to always voice out how you feel at all times and stop bottling emotions up, you will implode into a paranoid with a degraded self-worth and esteem. Look for places and people that always bring out your best and make you see positivity and light, stop self-pity and never ever compare yourself to anybody, not even ME! SCARED TO TAKE RISKS AND LACK OF TRUST IN YOUR INSTINCTS My motto has always been, “BEAR A RISK TO AVOID A RISK” sound bare but it’s a coded message if you can decipher. My friend, let me open your eyes to the guarded secret of life, “THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FOR THOSE WHO CAN TAKE RISKS AND TRUST THEIR INSTINCTS.” Trying to be simple and tethered is great but the feeling of been free and able to explore all risks is heavenly. I am not advocating you engage in ventures that are dangerous, negative or that you already know the results will be dead on arrival. Don’t hold yourself back, smell the coffee and fly to the stars, the worst is that you will fail but hey, you are experienced now and you will only get better. Do not be a mediocre because of fear, or do you want to keep licking the icing without been able to eat the cake? YOU DON’T KNOW YOUR SELF WORTH, POTENTIAL AND CANNOT CONCENTRATE No one is worthless in life and I believe you already know this, then what is the problem? You cannot concentrate and discover your innate potentials. No one is a mistake, inasmuch as you are on planet earth, you already have a great purpose to the grand scheme of things, the only issue is you don’t value yourself high and how do you want others to? Why not sit and try to know what your strong points are, what purpose you want to drive to and what potential is in you that can be set in motion to achieve more. The only way to do this is to learn to concentrate better, stop having divided attentions and put all your focus on one course and see if you will not do exploits! YOU DON’T MAINTAIN CONNECTIONS AND ARE NOT APPRECIATIVE How appreciative are you? I guess not, because you have a low concept of the idea behind maintaining connections and working as a team. No man is an island, and I am not saying you should make friends with everyone but align with people with the same drive and motive as you and see if achieving great things will not be a piece of cake. Connections will always prove beneficial in life and at any stage you find yourself, so start to build them now and learn to be more appreciative for any little thing been offered to you. The test of man is in little things and you will know how he will handle larger things. Meet with people of like minds and share dreams and aspiration and this will ease your struggle in life.