Disclaimer: Some links lead to questionable but interesting material. I am not resposible for leading you down the wrong path. All information is for educational purposes only, and I will not be held responsible for your irresponcible behaviour. NOTE: you may have to suffer through multiple layers of CoinURL and BitBin advewrtising layers to get to the meat. Be patient and click through, and once you are at the main destination, bookmark the site. 2013.03.02 http://cur.lv/gegl The Riparian Buffer Tribe Prologue - Update 20130302 http://cur.lv/gei6 Bitcoin Faucet & Advertising Site http://cur.lv/geih Heritage (BitBin paste is in Chinese, subject is about sloths) http://cur.lv/geii TenDrawBTC (BTC lottery) http://cur.lv/geil Free Easy Bitcoin (a nicely done web site with links to Bitcoin faucets, free and worked for BTC) http://cur.lv/geis 12 Bitcoin Faucet http://cur.lv/geiw Operation Fabulous - Bitcoin Advertising/Earning http://cur.lv/gej5 A link to BFG miner (best Bitcoin miner as of 2013.03.02) and a mini pool to mine for to support the author of that paste http://cur.lv/geke freedigitalmoney.com (do surveys and watch videos to earn µBitcoin) http://cur.lv/gel1 Recipe - HOW TO MAKE ZATAR BREAD http://cur.lv/gel2 14x14 Cabin or Shed http://cur.lv/geld Stephen King quote and link to source of quote 2013.02.28 http://cur.lv/gehq Wilderness survival techniques and tips http://cur.lv/geht Smoke Bomb http://cur.lv/gehw Out-of-Home Defense http://cur.lv/gehx Survival FAQ - In the Beginning, the Threat Analysis http://cur.lv/gehy Quick Hard Cider Recipe 2013.02.26 http://cur.lv/gehz Pumpkin cake with Apple Cider Glaze 2013.02.24 http://cur.lv/gei3 Easy Bitcoin (2013.03.02 currently down for maintenance, I will check daily and comment on status) http://cur.lv/gei5 like netlookup but need to be refered http://cur.lv/geks Earn Bitcoin while watching videos 2013.02.23 http://cur.lv/gei0 have earned 5.0 in less than a week