[reddit!](http://reddit.com) I dont have much time to do faucests so I organized my bookmark by wallet output and time for revisit to make getting them easier. This also allows me to open all in my book mark at one and do a quick run through which takes me roughly 5 minutes for all. Have a list compiled of Faucets. I have them bookmarked so I can just open all at the same time. Hope this helps everyone out. All values are in Satashis ##Some of my favorites Dailys [Free bitcoin](http://freebitco.in/?r=196285) // Hourly // My all time favorite. Has a roll the dice type system. 0 - 9885 averages about 200. Each step closer to 10,000 will move the reward add a decimal more. 5500 payout every monday. Easy to get the pay out in about three days. Has a time on the site which makes it easy to know when you can roll again. [Bitcoin Faucte](http://bitcoinfaucet.tk/?ref=1GDzuUYMWkEkRuoG9x6MCdzLQFKeZyr6cc) // Every 6 hours with a 5430 payout. Average about 100-200 each time. Has 25 second timer before you can submit capture. [Free Bitcoinz](http://freebitcoinz.com/r/5475) Every 24 hrs. 1000 a day plus another 2000 for looking at an add. with a 0.001 BTC Cash out [Bitcoin Tree](http://bitcointree.net/) Every 24hrs. about 200-300 a day. It changes per day, I have seen it as high as 600. 0.00015930 Cash out [Bit Crate](http://www.bitcrate.net/index.php?ref=3912) Every 24 hrs. Break a crate get that ammount. Highest I have gotten was 1000 but average around 200. Payout at 10,000. They have an option to trade your winnings for Reddit Gold but its currently offline set to get up soon. [Bitcoiner](http://bitcoiner.net/) Every 24 hrs. Each day is random, I just started using this but have seen it average 200. It uses a multiplier system for each consecutive day up to 10 days. Payout is 13000. Has a nice list of other Faucets ##Micro Wallet **Less than 1 Hour [Bitcoin Blizzard](http://bitcoinblizzard.com/faucetsplash.php?rid=66) Up to 35. Every 4 Minutes. Runs dry ever few days but always gets more. [Hot Bitcoins](http://www.hotbitcoins.me/) Up to 100. Every 15 Minutes **Every 1 Hour [Multi Fauceted](http://multifauceted.com/) 10 -500 [Super Faucet](http://superfaucet.com/) Doesnt mention winnings. Average about 35 [Galat Faucet](http://faucet.galat.org/) 10-50 [Bitcoin Flood](http://bitcoinflood.com/faucet/) 10-30 [Free BTC](http://free-btc.net.tf/#!/faucet) 10, 25, 100, 2500 // Game type system. Roll for 4 number and paid based on like numbers. I havent gotten more than 25 [Bong Bitcoin](http://www.bongbitcoin.com/bongfaucet/) 1-144 [Mini Frij](http://www.minifrij.pw/) 5. Kind of low but I have dotnated so hopefully it will go up. [Funny Faucet](http://funnyfaucet.com/) Doesnt mention winnings but I have received 500 [Galaxy KVVS](http://galaxy.kvvs.nl/) 25,50 [Donate a Hash](http://donateahash.hopto.org/btcfaucet/) 10-50. Wants to run Java, never allow **Every 3 Hours [Bit Spout](http://bitspout.tk/) Doesnt mention winning amounts. Average about 35 [Infinity Faucet](http://www.infinityfaucet.com/micro.php) 25,50,75,100 [Bit Fire Faucet](http://bitfirefaucet.com/) 30. Site is tricky. I didnt think it was paying out at first but it stores all your winnings on the site and you have to solve another captcha to get it to your Micro Wallet. You can do it every time or let it accumulate. [Just Bitcoin](http://justbitco.in/faucet/) 5 - 50 **Every 4 Hours [reddit!](http://megafaucet.com/) up to 1000 average is about 100 **Every 6 Hours [Grifo Bitcoin](http://grifobitcoin.com/) 100 [Bitcoin Hahn](http://bitcoinhahn.de/) up to 1000 average is about 100 Every 24 Hours [Nub Tektrix](http://nubtektrix.us/faucet.php) 50, 75, 100 ##Cashbox Every 30 Minutes (All Payouts are 35 unless otherwise stated) [Bitcoins 4 Free](http://www.bitcoins4free.me) [El Bitcoin Gratis](http://www.elbitcoingratis.es) [Free Bitcoins 4 U](http://www.freebitcoins4u.com) [Fr33 Bitcoins](http://www.fr33bitcoins.com) [Raw Bitcoins](http://www.rawbitcoins.com) [Free BTC 4 All](http://www.freebtc4all.com) [The Free Bitcoins](http://www.thefreebitcoins.com) [Virtual Faucet](http://www.virtualfaucet.com) [BTC 4 You](http://www.btc4you.com) [Nioctib](http://www.nioctib.net/get-free-bitcoins) [Can Has Bitcoin](http://www.canhasbitcoin.com) 50 [BTC Mine](http://www.btcmine.net) [The Bitcoin](http://www.thebitcoin.me/) ##PTC [BTC Clicks](http://btcclicks.com/?r=e26b20bc) 30-58 per add for 10-20 seconds // addition capcha at the end to confirm your not a robot. If you move to another screen the time stops. 0.1 mBTC Withdraw. Aound 500 worth in a given day [Coin Ad](https://coinad.com/?r=ESB26R1Z8K7JLYL) My favorite. Pays the most. 150-250 per ad, about 10-15 adds on a given day. Easy to make pay out. 0.15 mBTC Cash out. [Bit Visitor](http://www.bitvisitor.com/?ref=1GDzuUYMWkEkRuoG9x6MCdzLQFKeZyr6cc) The best of of the mix. .8 uBTC to 16 uBTC per add for 5 minutes. Load it and browse reddit then do another. Pay it automatic at 60 uBTC. You can make that in the first day or two. Payment takes about 6 hrs.