The stage of adolescence experienced by all people is one of the most difficult stages in human life. It is a stage that includes a number of physiological and psychological changes that affect the interaction of the adolescent with his environment. The adolescent suddenly finds himself as if the world has changed in a face, He becomes in himself the desires of the other sex, becomes somewhat aggressive, and his mind is formed at a great stage at this stage and become more aware of life and the wider people, and dealing with the adolescent challenge to many parents, many of them do not do good to deal with their teenager and they think is still small Orders and executed them as they please, and this concept is undoubtedly wrong and must change, and should focus on the following issues in dealing with adolescent: Recognizing the changes that have occurred to the adolescent and understanding them. When the parents realize what has happened to their adolescent child from physical and psychological changes that require them to change the method of education and change the methods they used to deal with their teenager, it contributes effectively to the success of the education process.