Today is my first day of working out and eating healthy. I want to do this every single day for six weeks and see what my results are after that. They say that it takes something like 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing and 6 weeks for other people to notice so that is my goal. I want to get fit and healthy as well as lose weight. I currently weight between 160-163 pounds. I probably won’t weigh myself every day as I don’t want to get discouraged if I gain some water weight or anything. So more then likely I will weight myself once a week or so. 164 pounds is the most that I have ever weighed in my life. 120 pounds is about the perfect weight for me. I haven’t worked out much or really eaten healthy for several months. Today I worked out in the gym in my apartment complex. I jogged for about a little over 17 minutes and ended up running about a mile. That is pretty good for not having worked out in so long and being really out of shape. I also did some weights. I worked out for about 25 minutes. Way less then I normally do but its pretty decent for just getting back to working out this first day. I also am trying to eat healthy as abs are made in the kitchen. ;) Of course it takes cardio to burn fat too but it also involves a majority of eating healthy and lean to really lose weight. So I am focusing on my diet as well. While I’d love to eat paleo I have a lot of dairy and fruits and veggies around here. So I am just going to try eating healthy and lean to start with. This morning I had a banana and strawberry protein shake. Read more at