First download: ------ This file if going to go into your payday 2 folder ------- ----------------------------- Second: ----------------------------- Make a file called Script.lua - This file is also to go tinto the Payday 2 folder. ----------------------------- Third: ----------------------------- Open the Script.lua file and write some code - Here are a bunch of code snippets in the correct form, you can copy and paste. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Message on screen if managers.hud then managers.hud:show_hint( { text = "LUA Hack loaded!" } ) end -- God mode managers.player:player_unit():character_damage():set_invulnerable( true ) -- No fall damage (useless if you have god mode on) function PlayerDamage:damage_fall( data ) end -- Instant mask on tweak_data.player.put_on_mask_time = 0.1 -- Infinite stamina function PlayerMovement:_change_stamina( value ) end function PlayerMovement:is_stamina_drained() return false end function PlayerStandard:_can_run_directional() return true end -- Carry mods (throwing distance, movement speed, jumping, running) local car_arr = { 'being', 'mega_heavy', 'heavy', 'medium', 'light', 'coke_light' } for i, name in ipairs(car_arr) do tweak_data.carry.types[ name ].throw_distance_multiplier = 1.5 tweak_data.carry.types[ name ].move_speed_modifier = 1 tweak_data.carry.types[ name ].jump_modifier = 1 tweak_data.carry.types[ name ].can_run = true end -- Super jump (when running, you jump 1.5x high) function PlayerStandard:_perform_jump(jump_vec) local v = math.UP * 470 if self._running then v = math.UP * 470 * 1.5 end self._unit:mover():set_velocity( v ) end -- No movement penalty, change to a larger value than 1 for an increase in speed PlayerManager.body_armor_movement_penalty = function(self) return 1 end -- Weapon spread NewRaycastWeaponBase._get_spread = function(self) return 0 end -- Weapon recoil NewRaycastWeaponBase.recoil_multiplier = function(self) return 0 end -- Weapon reload speed NewRaycastWeaponBase.reload_speed_multiplier = function(self) return 2000 end -- Weapon fire rate NewRaycastWeaponBase.fire_rate_multiplier = function(self) return 10 end -- Weapon swap speed PlayerStandard._get_swap_speed_multiplier = function(self) return 2000 end -- Infinite ammo clip if not _fireWep then _fireWep = end function NewRaycastWeaponBase:fire( from_pos, direction, dmg_mul, shoot_player, spread_mul, autohit_mul, suppr_mul, target_unit ) local result = _fireWep( self, from_pos, direction, dmg_mul, shoot_player, spread_mul, autohit_mul, suppr_mul, target_unit ) if managers.player:player_unit() == self._setup.user_unit then self.set_ammo(self, 1.0) end return result end -- Infinite saw if not _fireSaw then _fireSaw = end function SawWeaponBase:fire( from_pos, direction, dmg_mul, shoot_player, spread_mul, autohit_mul, suppr_mul, target_unit ) local result = _fireSaw( self, from_pos, direction, dmg_mul, shoot_player, spread_mul, autohit_mul, suppr_mul, target_unit ) if managers.player:player_unit() == self._setup.user_unit then self.set_ammo(self, 1.0) end return result end -- Infinite cable ties function PlayerManager:remove_special( name ) end -- Infinite equipment function PlayerManager:remove_equipment( equipment_id ) end -- Infinite equipment (when not the host of a multiplayer game, this doesn't seem to work anymore with Update 3 now.. it should work if the host is using the cheat as well though) function PlayerManager:remove_equipment_possession( peer_id, equipment ) end function PlayerManager:clear_equipment() end function PlayerManager:from_server_equipment_place_result( selected_index, unit ) end function HUDManager:remove_special_equipment( equipment ) end -- Allow interaction with anything (ECM jammers, picking locks, deploying shaped charges, etc) function BaseInteractionExt:_has_required_upgrade() return true end function BaseInteractionExt:_has_required_deployable() return true end function BaseInteractionExt:can_interact(player) return true end function PlayerManager:has_category_upgrade( category, upgrade) if category == "player" and (upgrade == "civ_harmless_melee" or upgrade == "civ_harmless_bullets") then return false end return true -- Other upgrades (eg. Joker) end function PlayerManager:carry_blocked_by_cooldown() return false end -- Remove cooldown between picking up bags -- Instant interaction (except for pagers because it doesn't work so well when you are client on multiplayer) if not _getTimer then _getTimer = BaseInteractionExt._get_timer end function BaseInteractionExt:_get_timer() if self.tweak_data == "corpse_alarm_pager" then return 0.1 -- if pagers don't work properly (eg. when you're a client in multiplayer) use 'return _getTimer(self)' instead. end return 0 end -- Instant deploy PlayerManager.selected_equipment_deploy_timer = function(self) return 0 end -- Infinite sentry ammo, no recoil, left the weapon spread in because sentries have a tough time killing if they shoot in one spot function SentryGunWeapon:fire( blanks, expend_ammo ) local fire_obj = self._effect_align[ self._interleaving_fire ] local from_pos = fire_obj:position() local direction = fire_obj:rotation():y() mvector3.spread( direction, tweak_data.weapon[ self._name_id ].SPREAD * self._spread_mul ) World:effect_manager():spawn( self._muzzle_effect_table[ self._interleaving_fire ] ) -- , normal = col_ray.normal } ) if self._use_shell_ejection_effect then World:effect_manager():spawn( self._shell_ejection_effect_table ) end local ray_res = self:_fire_raycast( from_pos, direction, blanks ) if self._alert_events and ray_res.rays then RaycastWeaponBase._check_alert( self, ray_res.rays, from_pos, direction, self._unit ) end return ray_res end -- Sentry god mode function SentryGunDamage:damage_bullet( attack_data ) end -- Message on screen if managers.hud then managers.hud:show_hint( { text = "LUA Hack loaded!" } ) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you add this code into the Script.lua file, save it and run the game. Once you are ina mission click "Insert" on your keyboard and it will say LUA hack loaded. You are not free to play how you want.