Pubg weapon skins => They've introduced a ping based matchmaking service already, but may be taking more drastic action. This will drop in-game soon and unlike the Triumph Crate, you do not need a key to open it. Each streamer has his own unique crate for fans to enjoy. We will be putting out a hotfix to deploy Xbox One X graphical changes, bug fixes, and more. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. If you get lucky with the new Triumph and Raider crates, you'll get skins for the various guns in the game which you can activate in the menu. It is impossible to solve these problems once and for all, but our goal is to continuously improve in this regard. We also have the free to open Raider Crate. The new skins will be available across two different crates. Each weapon category is arranged in alphabetical order, and you can order skins by their tier, or the date when you acquired them or last equipped them. These skins are obtained through two different means. PUBG is finally getting weapon skins - This will drop in-game soon and unlike the Triumph Crate, you do not need a key to open it. Your equipped weapon skins only affect weapons you pick up, and are only applied after you pick a gun up. The new skins will be available across two different crates. All opened items will be wiped after the test server goes down. This will contain a range of shiny new weapon skins, some of which are particularly colorful. We also have the free to open Raider Crate. Once again, the Raider crate will contain a selection of different weapon skins. This pubg weapon skins requires a key to unlock. All items are presented alongside their drop rate. This will drop in-game soon and unlike the Triumph Crate, you do not need a key to open it. The price will reset each Monday. The drop rate for the free Raider crate will most likely be 40% to begin with. The Triumph crate may be highlighted and available to buy in its own separate pool. Once again, prices for the Triumph crate will reset after each Monday. Make sure to follow us on, and. Additional thanks go to the following sources for data mined information.