So, a glass cutting board broke in my dishwasher, the pieces of which got sucked into the drain. Now the dishwasher makes a grinding sound when we try to start it. We went and bought a diamond head (???) screwdriver to get the lid off the drain, but when we removed the lid, there's just another shallow compartment and it seems like the pieces are underneath it. We're unsure how to get to the part of the dishwasher where the water drains into (as we think that's where the glass went and it's what making the grinding noise). We called, but they weren't any help (IDK what exactly they said, but not what my mom wanted to hear). She told me to just start it up and if it starts smoking or anything, to turn it off and we'll think about getting a new dishwasher. I just wanted to see if anyone had a suggestion we hadn't thought of.