______ _ _ _ | ___ (_) | (_) | |_/ /_| |_ ___ ___ _ _ __ | ___ \ | __/ __/ _ \| | '_ \ | |_/ / | || (_| (_) | | | | | \____/|_|\__\___\___/|_|_| |_| ...for free :D A list of websites that offer free BTC: http://cur.lv/lvl5 <----- Earn BTC by watching videos, filling captchas, or other methods http://cur.lv/lvl6 <----- Earn BTC by watching YouTube videos and listening to music http://cur.lv/lvl7 <----- Break a crate and get free BTC http://cur.lv/lvl8 <----- Free BTC Daily http://cur.lv/lvl9 <----- Free hourly BTC, and a chatroom where you can earn BTC just for chatting. It's boss. http://cur.lv/lvla <----- (Daily) run the bunny for free BTC http://cur.lv/lvlb <----- Free hourly BTC no effort required http://cur.lv/lvlc <----- More free hourly BTC no effort required http://cur.lv/lvmq <----- Free BTC lotto http://cur.lv/lvn5 <----- Another free Bitcoin faucet http://cur.lv/lvnc <----- Have a page open for 5 minutes and get free BTC, you can even tab away from it. Want to start mining BTC but have no idea where to begin? 1) Get a free wallet: http://cur.lv/lvp2 ----a) RECOMMENDED (but optional) - download the BitcoinQT client: http://cur.lv/lvq9 (it can take hours for the ---- client to sync with the block chain depending on your system and connection) 2) Head over to Bit Minter http://cur.lv/lvpt and follow the instructions 3) Several clicks later you'll be mining!