Manifest whatever you wish! Well, the truth is that you can do all these things: you are indeed able to manifest whatever you want. You want proof? If you look around you now, how much of what you see is the product of your own decisions, your choices, your beliefs about yourself? Almost everything. And those things which you cannot explain – the negative stuff, the adversity, the misfortune – believe it or not, even that is the product of choices and decisions you’ve made at some level, at some time. A Definition of Manifestation That is manifestation: we can define it as our ability to create the world around us. It’s a powerful thought, isn’t it? That we are responsible in some way for creating the reality around us. Sometimes it seems impossible to believe such a thing, particularly when things are not going well for us. We need to examine this in more detail! I assume you believe in the Law of Creation, also known as the Law of Attraction, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this. Well, this is the law which makes things appear in your life, or, to put it another way, to manifest. If you watch this video, do you see anything wrong? For me, what is missing here is the ethical and moral framework. I see this video and I think “greed”. For me, if you manifest wealth, there needs to be a purpose behind it. One that serves you (by providing satisfaction and fulfillment) and serves the world (it makes a difference). Moving on. The key to manifestation is a very simple sentence: thoughts become things. If you doubt this, then get a piece of paper, and head it with the title “My Thoughts Which Have Become Things”. Now on each line list those things that you already have brought into being: your relationship, your children, your marriage, your successes… And, if you care to, the failures you have created in your life through the decisions and choices you’ve made. For, if you believe that positive things can be created by thought energy – which is, I assume, what you do believe – then why should negative things not be created in the same way? And if you take this a stage further, then what do we mean by positive and negative anyway? From a spiritual point of view, all experiences are just learning events. Now, you see how you have the power to manifest already? And knowing that you have that power, perhaps the time has come for you to start manifesting goals and objectives for the future. Mastering Manifestation Well, you probably do believe in manifestation, but you probably don’t know how it works. Indeed it might even seem like a miracle. Yet once you understand the laws of the universe, you’ll see how simple manifestation really is. Manifestation is not a miracle Attracting what you want is a law of nature, not a miracle! But here’s an interesting point for you before we go any further: the starting point of all creation, the starting point of any change that you wish to manifest, is to picture your desired outcome in your mind. So to be clear: step one is to define what you want to manifest. And, as explained elsewhere, you must have a strong desire for that outcome to happen, resolute belief that it will happen, and a high level of expectation or expectancy that it is possible for it to happen. There are many techniques to do that. Next, you must take some action to achieve your desired outcome, to bring your vision into reality. And the final step is to allow the universe to manifest your outcome without worrying about how it’s to be achieved. What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve The “Cursed Hows” One of the problems people experience when they read about the techniques of getting what they want is to relate the process of manifestation to how they see the world: through the physical senses. And sure, our physical senses are the starting point for almost everything that we do in the world. So it might be hard for you to believe that just by fixing your mind on an objective you can help the universe to manifest it. Yet from the earliest days of writing about manifestation, one thing has been repeated by many different authors: that you shouldn’t worry about the “cursed hows”. The cursed hows… What are they? In short, they are the worries you have about how something can manifest in your life, and your attempts to make things happen in the physical world. You see, the power to make things happen, to manifest, doesn’t necessarily lie with you – it lies with the universal consciousness, the Mystery, God, Infinite Intelligence, Cosmic Consciousness… call it what you will. Blue Sky Thinking is always a good place to start Blue sky thinking is always a good place to start! And of course that’s not to deny your ability to make things happen by taking physical action and planning for your outcomes. Even here, the universe has a role to play. But manifestation in its purest form is the responsibility of the universe, or more accurately the universal laws that can create any outcome if instructed to do so in the correct way. Mike Dooley's book - Manifesting Change Mike Dooley’s book – Manifesting Change As Mike Dooley says in his book Manifesting Change: It Couldn’t Be Easier: “All we have to do is define whatever it is we want all the changes we wish to experience in terms of the end result. Define them as if you were already there (which is what visualization is all about), and then simply begin moving in the general direction of your dreams, knocking on doors and turning over stones.” The Power of Manifestation Perhaps manifestation looks miraculous to you. But the fact that it seems miraculous doesn’t mean it needs to be a mystery! If you could adopt a simple process, a few simple techniques, that would allow you to manifest whatever you want, then surely you would use them regularly? Perhaps we were never actually meant to understand the mechanics of time and space in such a way as to allow us to understand how manifestation works. Even so, a lot of people writing about the Law Of Attraction and manifestation talk about quantum physics as an explanation for this process, although precious few of them know anything about the reality of the subatomic particle! In some ways it’s almost like they have to grab onto any explanation with which they can convince themselves that there’s a reason why manifestation works. But didn’t they ever hear of faith? That alone is enough for those who want to experience manifestation in their lives. Here’s another Note From The Universe by Mike Dooley: Ain’t it grand? Doesn’t it boggle your mind? The harmony, the splendor, the beauty, the intricacies, the synchronicities, and the staggering perfection? Do you ever wonder how it all came about? Do you think I studied quarks, atoms, and molecules? That I drew schematics for the sun, the moon, and stars; the otter, the Gila monster, and penguin? Do you think I painted every zebra, flower, and butterfly? Or do you think… I simply imagined the end result? And that’s all you ever have to do! As Mike says, “The line ‘Or do you think… I simply imagined the end result?’ holds the greatest secret of the miraculous mechanics of manifestation: the entire process happens in exactly the reverse order shown to us by our physical senses!” And what he means is that just as the process of creation of the universe didn’t start with the universe sitting down and thinking how the process of creation was going to take place, so your manifestation isn’t going to be conducted by thinking how you’re going to achieve your outcome. You simply begin with the end result. Imagining the desired outcome, the finished result, with sufficient intensity desire and belief will cause the Law Of Creation to operate on your behalf to force the circumstances that yield your manifestation. Yes, this is indeed an act of faith. Here’s another of Mike Dooley’s Notes From The Universe. As surely as mountains are to be climbed and oceans sailed, your dreams are meant to come true. This is why you’re here, to live the life of your dreams. Not to be tested, challenged, and tried, but to conquer, champion, and rule. Keep going, forge ahead, press on, and the day must dawn when your thirsts shall be quenched, and you, exalted. Never settle for less, don’t ever think it’s too late, and never, ever, ever compromise a dream. How To Get What You Want! Manifestation Miracle is a simple guide to Manifestation which will show you how to manifest ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING easily, simply and quickly! Click Here For The Quickest Route To Riches, Abundance, Happiness and Love! lazyperson250 With the secret tricks and powerful techniques revealed here, you can have wealth, health, joy, great relationships….. and anything else you desire – FAST! This is exactly what you need to succeed in every area of your life – RIGHT NOW! Click Here Now To Find All About It Click here for a fantastic free gift – How To Manifest Money and Success eBook Make no mistake, getting what you want with the Law Of Attraction can be easy or challenging. And without knowing exactly what you’re doing, there’s almost no way you can succeed. Maybe you’ve discovered this yourself. You see, the simple truth is hard to hear – most people fail to manifest anything. But no longer! With the help of The Magic of Manifestation, everyone – including YOU! – can succeed. That’s because The Magic of Manifestation will show you exactly what you need to do to manifest successfully, revealing the simple and easy steps you must take before the Universe responds to your demands. This program will make it easy for you to succeed. With support like this, your life will change beyond recognition – quickly, easily and efficiently. So, if you’re ready to embrace success, click here NOW! smith999121615banners300x3003455__1450361154_109.145.135.212