Java se roadmap => If you still have some questions, and I will be pleased to help you. Developers are still using Java 8 Last month, what Java version s they are currently using. This blog is one resource among several within , where you can also find out. This change will take effect from September 2018. See the and for more on the issues as well as Java 9 and 10 and some options for those facing this challenge. Keep reading to know more. Again, the underlining emphasis is mine. Paid security updates for Oracle customers ended in April 2015. If you still have some questions, and I will be pleased to help you. I was much closer to the screen in the relatively sparsely populated classroom and could see it much better. Then what will happen to my current installation after Januray 2019? Releases are based on the project, which is a project with an. JDK 12 - Here is what is on tap from Oracle for Java. Developers are still using Java 8 Last month, what Java version s they are currently using. The training content is not meant for beginners but for programmers with some Java experience who want to improve and update their knowledge of the Java language while at the same time getting it validated by obtaining the valuable and recognized Oracle Java Certification. In that case, you java se roadmap take a look at my section where I keep an java se roadmap collection of recommended Java books. I also recommend that you use a to complete your preparation by practicing exam questions. This is a fundamental part of your preparation and serves also as a validation of the learned content. Finally, if you found this free training useful and know more programmers, colleagues or friends that may be interested in getting the Java Certification, click one of the buttons below click the button on the bottom left corner of your screen to let them know about the Java Certification Roadmap. You need and you have to study and practice with an exam simulator. Read each section below carefully and try to understand the concepts. Eclipse and practice what you've just learned. Your Reward is Awaiting You. Thank you for reading me. If you still have some questions, and I will be pleased to help you. Happy coding and good luck!.