Regarding USPS Tracking Info, X-Rays, and Controlled Deliveries --------------------------------------------------------------- First and foremost, the USPS tracking system is very flawed and slow. It will often give wrong information, so don't fret if you see a weird error message. I've been told this by a guy that has been selling on eBay for years, USPS tracking info is just shit. It's extremely rare for a domestic package to get seized, but most likely if that happens you're going to get a knock on the door, not a love letter. It can also depend on how much you've had shipped to you. If it's a lot they can consider it as intent to distribute, it all depends on the substance you've ordered and how much you ordered. Be prepared to know how to talk to the police. Watch this video from Flex Your Rights on YouTube called "10 Rules for Dealing with the Police" Flex Your Rights Youtube Channel: Don't sign for anything and tell them you didn't order anything. Don't let them inside your house without a warrant. Tell them you're exerting your 5th amendment right to stay silent (You have to be sure and say this, as it is found in case law). Start recording immediately when the ring the doorbell/knock on your door. Don't avoid it and not answer it because then they'll come back with a warrant for sure. Don't let them try and stick the box into your door or anything, put it back outside and write "RETURN TO SENDER" on it with a sharpie (optional). Download the ACLU Bust Card and write down important names and phone numbers on it. Look up your local bar association or state's lawyer search or just search Google for criminal drug offense attorneys in your area, try and find one that answers 24/7 and ask them if they take cases pro bono (most likely they won't). It'll cost you a heap of money, but it's worth it to stay out of prison. If your package get seized, you may see the following info for the tracking number: "The origin system will post "passed on for int delivery.". For items sent on to LE tacking stops at ISC (internal service center) the first or second stop after entering the country. Items that are seized leave the postal system and disappear from tracking at that point" from /u/plkqcs on Dread. Here's an example of what it will say if it's sezied by US Customs: "Your item is currently with Customs in the destination country.. Your item has been presented to Customs on XX-XX-XXXX [date] for assessment. More information will be available once the assessment is complete ISC MIAMI FL (USPS), United States of America" Will your package be x-rayed? From the USPS site: "Is Mail X-Rayed? Some of the mail that is sent through the United States Postal Service will pass through an X-Ray machine. There are no specific guidelines as to what may or may not be x-rayed, though mail sent to or through larger cities is likely to pass through an X-Ray machine. If you have additional questions about X-Raying of items, contact your local Post Office. Note: Marking a mailpiece "Do Not X-Ray" will not forgo the X-Raying of a mailpiece, and may result in the item being considered suspicious." If your package is just missing, you can fill out a form on the USPS website to have them search for it, but it rarely works: You can also call them at 972-393-6755 and speak with a customer service rep and ask them about your mail. If you're concerned for security of the call, make a Google Voice number and call with it. Learn about Controlled Deliveries -------------------------------------- And there is more info in the following articles by steroid attorney Rick Collins and related to steroids, but steroids are a controlled substance, so they apply to any shipments: BEATING A CASE BY REFUSING A PACKAGE (Doc File) - Virustotal Scan of File (JS required to view): Privacy and Your Postal Packages (Doc File) - Virustotal Scan of File (JS required to view): A controlled delivery happens when you receive a package and they will ask you to sign for it. You can refuse to sign it and tell them you didn't order anything. This *might* work, but it's not guaranteed. They can also imbed a tracking device inside the package and bust you when you open the pack. More Information about USPS Practices ------------------------------------- These are some articles from a few years back regarding the USPS and tracking of mail. I once got a knock on the door from a US Postal Inspector and had to explain to him why I was receiving shipments of oxycodone. Having said that, the USPS is a scary entity and you may want to request your own personal file from the USPS or US Postal Inspectors to see if you're on their radar. You can do this with a FOIA request. But I feel like it's kind of poking the hornets net to make them look harder for you, but I've been told from multiple sources that the FOIA offices are completely separate from the law enforcement division and you should have nothing to worry about. You can make a FOIA request from the USPS at (anonymized link). However, this isn't going to tell you much. It's the postal inspectors you really have to worry about. You can request a FOIA from the Postal inspectors at this link. (anonymized link). Don't be afraid to do this. In order to get a FOIA from the postal inspectors you have to submit your information, and then they will send you something you have to get notarized within 15 days and send it back to them. They will then send you your file. You can do these FOIA requests on MuckRock, which automates and does the FOIA for you, but they become public if you use it. You can see sample FOIA letters at & The USPS uses something called "mail covers" to mark your box as one to be watched. * U.S. Postal Service Logging All Mail for Law Enforcement - Onion link: https://www.nytimes3xbfgragh.onion/2013/07/04/us/monitoring-of-snail-mail.html The other thing is that they almost never refuse a search warrant request for mail. Just do a google search for "controlled delivery" and you'll see how they do that. Sometimes they'll come to your door and ask you to sign for it. If you ordered something and the vendor didn't require a signature tell them you didn't order anything and refuse to sign for it. As all mentioned above. This is depending on the amount you get and if it's considered enough where you're considered to be selling the drugs aka intent to distribute. * Postal Service almost never denies mail-surveillance requests Finally, I wanted to share this YouTube video about how they scan for customs at the JFK mail center, which is where almost all international shipments go to nowadays. How Customs At JFK Searches 1 Million Mail Packages A Day The video is well worth a watch and very informative. There are a couple things you can do if you think your address is compromised. You can buy a DBA (doing business as) certificate from your Secretary of State and create a company name. The DBA will still be under your name, but it's cheap and it hides the package ID from scanners. Then open a PO box or a box at a UPS store or mom and pop store and use that as a cover. Some people have questioned my advice about opening a DBA, so this is up to you. The USPS can't just look up a DBA, they have to contact the Secretary of State to look it up and see your real address, but if that's happened then the Postal Inspectors have gotten involved so you're already in trouble. You can visit JJ Luna, author of "How To Be Invisible" and he sells ghost LLCs and ghost mailing addresses. You can't have anything delivered to the address, but you can use it to register the LLC and then they will have a very hard time tracking you down. How To Be Invisible: You can also buy a quality fake ID and open PO boxes/UPS/mom and pop boxes and use that as your receiving address. This works well, but you need to close them eventually and move on to another ID and address. (Anonymized Link) I hope this information helps you, but don't be scared away. The USPS receives millions of packages and letters a day and probably 90% slip through with no problem. Hope that helps! -pogue